Sebastian Schöps
Winding functions in transient magnetoquasistatic field-circuit coupled simulations
S Schöps, H De Gersem, T Weiland
COMPEL: The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2013
A cosimulation framework for multirate time integration of field/circuit coupled problems
S Schops, H De Gersem, A Bartel
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (8), 3233-3236, 2010
Dynamic iteration for coupled problems of electric circuits and distributed devices
A Bartel, M Brunk, M Günther, S Schöps
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (2), B315-B335, 2013
A coupled A–H formulation for magneto-thermal transients in high-temperature superconducting magnets
L Bortot, B Auchmann, IC Garcia, H De Gersem, M Maciejewski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 30 (5), 1-11, 2020
Multiscale modeling and multirate time-integration of field/circuit coupled problems
S Schöps
VDI Verlag, 2011
A fast isogeometric BEM for the three dimensional Laplace-and Helmholtz problems
J Dölz, H Harbrecht, S Kurz, S Schöps, F Wolf
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 330, 83-101, 2018
Parallel-in-time simulation of eddy current problems using parareal
S Schöps, I Niyonzima, M Clemens
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (3), 1-4, 2017
Structural analysis of electrical circuits including magnetoquasistatic devices
A Bartel, S Baumanns, S Schöps
Applied Numerical Mathematics 61 (12), 1257-1270, 2011
Isogeometric boundary elements in electromagnetism: rigorous analysis, fast methods, and examples
J Dölz, S Kurz, S Schöps, F Wolf
SIAM journal on scientific computing 41 (5), B983-B1010, 2019
An algorithmic comparison of the hyper-reduction and the discrete empirical interpolation method for a nonlinear thermal problem
F Fritzen, B Haasdonk, D Ryckelynck, S Schöps
Mathematical and computational applications 23 (1), 8, 2018
Optimized field/circuit coupling for the simulation of quenches in superconducting magnets
IC Garcia, S Schöps, M Maciejewski, L Bortot, M Prioli, B Auchmann, ...
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques 2, 97-104, 2017
Multipatch approximation of the de Rham sequence and its traces in isogeometric analysis
A Buffa, J Dölz, S Kurz, S Schöps, R Vázquez, F Wolf
Numerische Mathematik 144, 201-236, 2020
A new parareal algorithm for problems with discontinuous sources
MJ Gander, I Kulchytska-Ruchka, I Niyonzima, S Schöps
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (2), B375-B395, 2019
A 2-D finite-element model for electrothermal transients in accelerator magnets
L Bortot, B Auchmann, IC Garcia, AMF Navarro, M Maciejewski, M Prioli, ...
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 54 (3), 1-4, 2017
Bembel: The fast isogeometric boundary element C++ library for Laplace, Helmholtz, and electric wave equation
J Dölz, H Harbrecht, S Kurz, M Multerer, S Schöps, F Wolf
SoftwareX 11, 100476, 2020
Isogeometric analysis and harmonic stator–rotor coupling for simulating electric machines
Z Bontinck, J Corno, S Schöps, H De Gersem
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 334, 40-55, 2018
GPU acceleration of algebraic multigrid preconditioners for discrete elliptic field problems
C Richter, S Schöps, M Clemens
IEEE transactions on magnetics 50 (2), 461-464, 2014
Systems of differential algebraic equations in computational electromagnetics
I Cortes Garcia, S Schöps, H De Gersem, S Baumanns
Applications of Differential-Algebraic Equations: Examples and Benchmarks …, 2018
Isogeometric simulation of Lorentz detuning in superconducting accelerator cavities
J Corno, C de Falco, H De Gersem, S Schöps
Computer Physics Communications 201, 1-7, 2016
On the convergence rate of dynamic iteration for coupled problems with multiple subsystems
A Bartel, M Brunk, S Schöps
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 262, 14-24, 2014
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