Karen Stepanyan
Karen Stepanyan
Потвърден имейл адрес: ucl.ac.uk
Sustainable e-Learning: Toward a Coherent Body of Knowledge
K Stepanyan, A Littlejohn, A Margaryan
Educational Technology & Society 16 (2), 91-102, 2013
A social network analysis perspective on student interaction within the twitter microblogging environment
K Stepanyan, K Borau, C Ullrich
2010 10th IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies, 70-72, 2010
Culture, role and group work: A social network analysis perspective on an online collaborative course
K Stepanyan, R Mather, R Dalrymple
British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (4), 676-693, 2014
It's all in the content: state of the art best answer prediction based on discretisation of shallow linguistic features
G Gkotsis, K Stepanyan, C Pedrinaci, J Domingue, M Liakata
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science, 202-210, 2014
Who students interact with? a social network analysis perspective on the use of twitter in language learning
C Ullrich, K Borau, K Stepanyan
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 432-437, 2010
Student engagement with peer assessment: A review of pedagogical design and technologies
K Stepanyan, R Mather, H Jones, C Lusuardi
Advances in Web Based Learning–ICWL 2009: 8th International Conference …, 2009
Social personalized adaptive e-learning environment: Topolor-implementation and evaluation
L Shi, G Gkotsis, K Stepanyan, D Al Qudah, AI Cristea
Sustainable eLearning in a changing landscape: A scoping study (SeLScope)
K Stepanyan, A Littlejohn, A Margaryan
UK Higher Education Academy, 2010
Evaluation of social interaction features in topolor-a social personalized adaptive e-learning system
L Shi, K Stepanyan, D Al Qudah, AI Cristea
2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2013
Integrating social software into course design and tracking student engagement: Early results and research perspectives
K Stepanyan, R Mather, J Payne
eLearn: World Conference on EdTech, 7386-7395, 2007
Blogs as objects of preservation: Advancing the discussion on significant properties
K Stepanyan, S Ross, M Trier, M Joy, AI Cristea, G Gkotsis, H Kalb, Y Kim
iPRES 2012, 2012
Awareness of the capabilities and use of social software attributes within and outside the educational context: moving towards collaborative learning with Web 2.0
K Stepanyan, R Mather, J Payne
Conference ICL2007, September 26-28, 2007, 9 pages, 2007
Self-supervised automated wrapper generation for weblog data extraction
G Gkotsis, K Stepanyan, AI Cristea, M Joy
Big Data: 29th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 2013, Oxford …, 2013
ACQUA: automated community-based question answering through the discretisation of shallow linguistic features
G Gkotsis, M Liakata, C Pedrinaci, K Stepanyan, J Domingue
Journal of Web Science 1 (1), 1-15, 2015
Technological foundations of the current Blogosphere
V Banos, K Stepanyan, M Joy, AI Cristea, Y Manolopoulos
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2012
Entropy-based automated wrapper generation for weblog data extraction
G Gkotsis, K Stepanyan, AI Cristea, M Joy
World Wide Web 17, 827-846, 2014
BlogForever: D2. 1 survey implementation report
S Arango-Docio, P Sleeman, H Kalb, K Stepanyan, M Joy, V Banos
BlogForever WP2 Deliverable, 2011
BlogForever: D2. 4 Weblog spider prototype and associated methodology
M Rynning, V Banos, K Stepanyan, M Joy, M Gulliksen
BlogForever WP2 Deliverable, 2011
BlogForever: D2. 5 Weblog spam filtering report and associated methodology
Y Kim, S Ross, V Banos, S Kopidaki, K Stepanyan, M Rynning, ...
BlogForever, 2013
A hybrid approach for spotting, disambiguating and annotating places in user-generated text
K Stepanyan, G Gkotsis, V Banos, AI Cristea, M Joy
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 83-84, 2013
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