Bùi Duy Quỳnh
Bùi Duy Quỳnh
HaNoi University of Civil Engineering
Потвърден имейл адрес: huce.edu.vn - Начална страница
A practical approach to flood hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessing and mapping for Quang Binh province, Vietnam
H Ha, QD Bui, HD Nguyen, BT Pham, TD Lai, C Luu
Environment, Development and Sustainability 25 (2), 1101-1130, 2023
Flash flood susceptibility prediction mapping for a road network using hybrid machine learning models
H Ha, C Luu, QD Bui, DH Pham, T Hoang, VP Nguyen, MT Vu, BT Pham
Natural hazards 109 (1), 1247-1270, 2021
GIS-based ensemble computational models for flood susceptibility prediction in the Quang Binh Province, Vietnam
C Luu, BT Pham, T Van Phong, R Costache, HD Nguyen, M Amiri, QD Bui, ...
Journal of Hydrology 599, 126500, 2021
Flood-prone area mapping using machine learning techniques: a case study of Quang Binh province, Vietnam
C Luu, QD Bui, R Costache, LT Nguyen, TT Nguyen, T Van Phong, ...
Natural Hazards 108 (3), 3229-3251, 2021
Landslide susceptibility prediction mapping with advanced ensemble models: Son La province, Vietnam
QD Bui, H Ha, DT Khuc, DQ Nguyen, J von Meding, LP Nguyen, C Luu
Natural Hazards 116 (2), 2283-2309, 2023
Urban flood risk assessment using Sentinel-1 on the google earth engine: A case study in Thai Nguyen city, Vietnam
HM Sy, C Luu, QD Bui, H Ha, DQ Nguyen
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 31, 100987, 2023
Flash flood and landslide susceptibility analysis for a mountainous roadway in Vietnam using spatial modeling
C Luu, H Ha, QD Bui, ND Luong, DT Khuc, H Vu, DQ Nguyen
Quaternary Science Advances 11, 100083, 2023
A machine learning approach in spatial predicting of landslides and flash flood susceptible zones for a road network
H Ha, QD Bui, TD Khuc, DT Tran, BT Pham, SH Mai, LP Nguyen, C Luu
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8 (4), 4341-4357, 2022
Flood susceptibility modeling using Radial Basis Function Classifier and Fisher’s linear discriminant function
C Luu, DD Nguyen, M Amiri, PT Van, QD Bui, I Prakash, BT Pham
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 55-72, 2022
Flood risk mapping and analysis using an integrated framework of machine learning models and analytic hierarchy process
QD Bui, C Luu, SH Mai, HT Ha, HT Ta, BT Pham
Risk Analysis 43 (7), 1478-1495, 2023
Mapping direct flood impacts from a 2020 extreme flood event in Central Vietnam using spatial analysis techniques
C Luu, QD Bui, J von Meding
International journal of disaster resilience in the built environment 14 (1 …, 2023
Prediction of flash flood susceptibility of hilly terrain using deep neural network: A case study of Vietnam
H Thi Thanh Ngo, N Duc Dam, QA Thi Bui, N Al-Ansari, R Costache, H Ha, ...
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 135 (3), 2219-2241, 2023
Improving the forecast performance of landslide susceptibility mapping by using ensemble gradient boosting algorithms
H Ha, QD Bui, DT Tran, DQ Nguyen, HX Bui, C Luu
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-35, 2024
Landslide spatial prediction utilizing fuzzy unordered rules induction ensemble models: a case study in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
H Ha, QD Bui, DC Vu, T Hoang, DH Pham, VP Nguyen, MH Do, XT Tran, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10 (2), 2201-2219, 2024
Nghiên cứu chế độ bay UAV trong khảo sát địa hình công trình dạng tuyến-ứng dụng cho đoạn đường đê Xuân Quan, Hà Nội
LN Dũng, TĐ Trọng, VĐ Chiều, BD Quỳnh, HT Hằng, DC Hiểu, NĐ Huy
Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Xây dựng (TCKHCNXD)-ĐHXDHN 15 (7V), 131-142, 2021
Nghiên cứu giải pháp đánh giá ô nhiễm không khí khu vực khai thác mỏ đất đắp bằng dữ liệu Sentinel-5P Tropomi
LN Dũng, BD Quỳnh, TĐ Trọng, NV Dũng, TX Dự, HT An, LV Điệp, ...
Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Xây dựng (TCKHCNXD)-ĐHXDHN 17 (1V), 62-74, 2023
Nghiên cứu xây dựng bản đồ hiểm họa lũ lụt sử dụng vết lũ lịch sử và mô hình độ cao số
C Luu, DĐ Nam, TĐ Lai, BD Quynh
Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Xây dựng (KHCNXD) 15 (3V), 152-164, 2021
Ứng dụng công nghệ WebGis trong quản lý xây dựng theo qui hoạch đô thị tại thành phố Thái Nguyên
NTT Hiên, BD Quỳnh, ĐM Cường
GIS 2016 Conference Proceeding, 844-851, 2016
Processing of Sentinel-1B imaginary to extract water surface salinity incursion using observed data and hybrid models of particle swarm optimization
QD Bui, H Ha, TX Tran, MT Vu, LP Nguyen, C Luu
Earth Science Informatics 18 (1), 171, 2025
Integrating susceptibility maps of multiple hazards and building exposure distribution: a case study of wildfires and floods for the province of Quang Nam, Vietnam
C Luu, G Forino, L Yorke, H Ha, QD Bui, HH Tran, DQ Nguyen, HC Duong, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 24 (12), 4385-4408, 2024
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