Geetha S Pillai
Geetha S Pillai
Centre for Medicinal Plants Research Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal Malappuram Kerala India
Потвърден имейл адрес: aryavaidyasala.com
Handbook of herbs and spice
PN Ravindran, M Divakaran, GS Pillai
Volume 1, 86-115, 2012
PN Ravindran, GS Pillai, I Balachandran, M Divakaran
Handbook of herbs and spices, 303-318, 2012
Isolation and fusion of protoplasts in Vanilla species
M Divakaran, GS Pillai, KN Babu, KV Peter
Current Science, 115-120, 2008
Other herbs and spices: mango ginger to wasabi
PN Ravindran, GS Pillai, M Divakaran
Handbook of herbs and spices, 557-582, 2012
Under-utilized herbs and spices
PN Ravindran, GS PiIlai, KN Babu
Protocols for in vitro propagation, conservation, synthetic seed production, embryo rescue, microrhizome production, molecular profiling, and genetic transformation in ginger …
K Nirmal Babu, K Samsudeen, M Divakaran, GS Pillai, V Sumathi, ...
Protocols for In Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of …, 2016
Identification of phenolic antioxidants in Ipomoea mauritiana jacq. using spectrophotometric and mass spectroscopic studies
C Sulaiman, SP Geetha, B Indira
Avicenna journal of phytomedicine 4 (2), 89, 2014
. Tissue Culture and Biotechnology of Ginger
KN Babu, K Samsudeen, D Minoo, SP Geetha, PN Ravindran
Ginger, 201-230, 2016
In vitro microrhizome induction in three high yielding cultivars of Zingiber officinale Rosc. and their phytopathological analysis
CP Archana, SP Geetha, I Balachandran
International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research 4 (3), 296-300, 2013
Other herbs and spices: achiote to Szechuan pepper
PN Ravindran, M Divakaran, GS Pillai
Handbook of herbs and spices, 534-556, 2012
Molecular authentication of Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Forman, the genuine source plant of ayurvedic raw drug ‘Patha’, and its other …
D Vijayan, A Cheethaparambil, GS Pillai, I Balachandran
3 Biotech 4, 559-562, 2014
In vitro microrhizome and minirhizome production in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cultivar Alleppey Supreme and its comparative anatomical and histochemical analysis
A Cheethaparambil, GS Pillai, I Balachandran
Int. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci 3 (3), 535-542, 2014
Microrhizome and minirhizomes production in three high yielding cultivars of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.).
GSPBI Archana C P
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2 (10), 477-484, 2013
Micropropagation of betel vine (Piper betle L.)
KN Babu, J Rema, SG Pillai, M Divakaran, PN Ravindran, KV Peter
Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops 1 (2), 160-162, 1992
Protocols for In Vitro Propagation, Conservation, Synthetic Seed Production, Microrhizome Production, and Molecular Profiling in Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
K Nirmal Babu, M Divakaran, GS Pillai, V Sumathi, K Praveen, RP Raj, ...
Protocols for In Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of …, 2016
Optimizing Culture Conditions for in vitro Propagation of Trichosanthes cucumerina L.: An Important Medicinal Plant
GS Pillai, G Martin, AV Raghu, PS Lyric, I Balachandran, PN Ravindran
Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants 14 (1-2), 13-28, 2008
Minor and under-utilized spices and herbs
P Ravindran, GS Pillai, KN Babu, M Divakaran, SK Malhothra, S Ochatt, ...
Breeding of neglected and under-utilized crops, spices and herbs, 299-373, 2007
In Vitro Propagation of Two Tuberous Medicinal Plants: Holostemma ada-kodien and Ipomoea mauritiana
SP Geetha, AV Raghu, G Martin, S George, I Balachandran
Protocols for in vitro cultures and secondary metabolite analysis of …, 2009
Solubility differences in sporopollenin of pollen and pollinial walls
P Sreedevi, GS Pillai, AN Namboodiri
Current Science, 324-325, 1990
Developing RAPD markers for identification of three source plants of ayurvedic raw drug ‘Patha’
D Vijayan, A CP, G SP, I Balachandran
Medicinal Plants-International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related …, 2013
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