Jeroen Stouten
Jeroen Stouten
Потвърден имейл адрес: ppw.kuleuven.be
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Successful organizational change: Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures
J Stouten, DM Rousseau, D De Cremer
Academy of Management Annals 12 (2), 752-788, 2018
Discouraging bullying: The role of ethical leadership and its effects on the work environment
J Stouten, E Baillien, A Van den Broeck, J Camps, H De Witte, M Euwema
Journal of business ethics 95, 17-27, 2010
Frequent change and turnover intention: The moderating role of ethical leadership
MT Babalola, J Stouten, M Euwema
Journal of Business Ethics 134, 311-322, 2016
Can a leader be seen as too ethical? The curvilinear effects of ethical leadership
J Stouten, M Van Dijke, DM Mayer, D De Cremer, MC Euwema
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (5), 680-695, 2013
All is well that ends well, at least for proselfs: Emotional reactions to equality violation as a function of social value orientation
J Stouten, D De Cremer, E Van Dijk
European Journal of Social Psychology 35 (6), 767-783, 2005
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
R Van Dick, JE Lemoine, NK Steffens, R Kerschreiter, SA Akfirat, L Avanzi, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 697-728, 2018
Standing by your organization: The impact of organizational identification and abusive supervision on followers’ perceived cohesion and tendency to gossip
S Decoster, J Camps, J Stouten, L Vandevyvere, TM Tripp
Journal of business Ethics 118, 623-634, 2013
Ethical leadership
J Stouten, M Van Dijke, D De Cremer
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2012
Violating equality in social dilemmas: Emotional and retributive reactions as a function of trust, attribution, and honesty
J Stouten, D De Cremer, E Van Dijk
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (7), 894-906, 2006
The relation between ethical leadership and workplace conflicts: The mediating role of employee resolution efficacy
MT Babalola, J Stouten, MC Euwema, F Ovadje
Journal of management 44 (5), 2037-2063, 2018
Engaging leadership and its implication for work engagement and job outcomes at the individual and team level: A multi-level longitudinal study
VG Rahmadani, WB Schaufeli, J Stouten, Z Zhang, Z Zulkarnain
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (3), 776, 2020
When do people find cooperation most justified? The effect of trust and self–other merging in social dilemmas
D De Cremer, J Stouten
Social Justice Research 16, 41-52, 2003
When do ethical leaders become less effective? The moderating role of perceived leader ethical conviction on employee discretionary reactions to ethical leadership
MT Babalola, J Stouten, J Camps, M Euwema
Journal of Business Ethics 154, 85-102, 2019
The relation between supervisors’ big five personality traits and employees’ experiences of abusive supervision
J Camps, J Stouten, M Euwema
Frontiers in psychology 7, 112, 2016
Individual differences in emotion components and dynamics: Introduction to the special issue
P Kuppens, J Stouten, B Mesquita
Cognition and Emotion 23 (7), 1249-1258, 2009
The theory crisis in management research: Solving the right problem
MA Cronin, J Stouten, D Van Knippenberg
Academy of Management Review 46 (4), 667-683, 2021
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind: Conflict escalation into workplace bullying and the role of distributive conflict behavior
E Baillien, J Camps, A Van den Broeck, J Stouten, L Godderis, M Sercu, ...
Journal of Business Ethics 137, 415-429, 2016
When employees retaliate against self-serving leaders: The influence of the ethical climate
S Decoster, J Stouten, TM Tripp
Journal of Business Ethics 168, 195-213, 2021
My share is fair, so i don’t care
J Camps, S Decoster, J Stouten
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2012
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