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363 2019 Topological properties determined by atomic buckling in self-assembled ultrathin Bi (110) Y Lu, W Xu, M Zeng, G Yao, L Shen, M Yang, Z Luo, F Pan, K Wu, T Das, ...
Nano letters 15 (1), 80-87, 2015
250 2015 Prediction of large-gap two-dimensional topological insulators consisting of bilayers of group III elements with Bi FC Chuang, LZ Yao, ZQ Huang, YT Liu, CH Hsu, T Das, H Lin, A Bansil
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207 2014 Ultrathin Free-Standing Nanosheets of Bi2 O2 Se: Room Temperature Ferroelectricity in Self-Assembled Charged Layered Heterostructure T Ghosh, M Samanta, A Vasdev, K Dolui, J Ghatak, T Das, G Sheet, ...
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151 2019 Stripes, spin resonance, and nodeless d-wave pairing symmetry in Fe_ {2} Se_ {2}-based layered superconductors T Das, AV Balatsky
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63 2013 Engineering three-dimensional topological insulators in Rashba-type spin-orbit coupled heterostructures T Das, AV Balatsky
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