Matei Ţene
Matei Ţene
Senior HPC Software Engineer, INTERSECT GPU, SLB
Потвърден имейл адрес: slb.com
Projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM)
M Ţene, SBM Bosma, MS Al Kobaisi, H Hajibeygi
Advances in Water Resources 105, 205-216, 2017
Algebraic multiscale method for flow in heterogeneous porous media with embedded discrete fractures (F-AMS)
M Ţene, MS Al Kobaisi, H Hajibeygi
Journal of Computational Physics 321, 819-845, 2016
The multiscale restriction smoothed basis method for fractured porous media (F-MsRSB)
S Shah, O Møyner, M Ţene, KA Lie, H Hajibeygi
Journal of Computational Physics 318, 36-57, 2016
Multiscale finite volume method for discrete fracture modeling on unstructured grids (MS-DFM)
SBM Bosma, H Hajibeygi, M Ţene, HA Tchelepi
Journal of Computational Physics 351, 145-164, 2017
Adaptive algebraic multiscale solver for compressible flow in heterogeneous porous media
M Ţene, Y Wang, H Hajibeygi
Journal of Computational Physics 300, 679-694, 2015
Multiscale projection-based embedded discrete fracture modeling approach (f-ams-pedfm)
M Ţene, MS Al Kobaisi, H Hajibeygi
ECMOR XV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 2016
Algebraic multiscale solver for flow in heterogeneous fractured porous media
M Tene, MS Al Kobaisi, H Hajibeygi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, D021S008R004, 2015
A conservative sequential fully implicit method for compositional reservoir simulation
SH Lee, M Ţene, S Du, X Wen, Y Efendiev
Journal of Computational Physics 428, 109961, 2021
A copula-based sensitivity analysis method and its application to a North Sea sediment transport model
M Ţene, DE Stuparu, D Kurowicka, GY El Serafy
Environmental Modelling & Software 104, 1-12, 2018
Compressible algebraic multiscale solver (cams)
M Tene, H Hajibeygi, Y Wang, H Tchelepi
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil …, 2014
Implementing a Hardware Agnostic Commercial Black-Oil Reservoir Simulator
M Szyndel, C Lemon, D de Brito Dias, E Dodds, E Khramchenkov, ...
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, D011S001R001, 2023
Algebraic multiscale grid coarsening using unsupervised machine learning for subsurface flow simulation
KR Kumar, M Tene
Journal of Computational Physics 496, 112570, 2024
Algebraic Multiscale Framework for Fractured Reservoir Simulation
M Tene
Compositional reservoir simulation
SH Lee, T Matei, S Du, XH Wen, Y Efendiev
US Patent App. 17/919,433, 2023
Graphics processing unit performance scalability study on a commercial black-oil reservoir simulator
M Tene, M Sekachev, D de Brito Dias, MDE Szyndel
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, D011S001R004, 2023
Ensemble-Based History Matching for Channelized Petroleum Reservoirs
M Ţene
TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, 2013
Breakthrough in Fractured Reservoir Modeling: p-EDFM Approach Resolves Complexities and Accelerates Hydrocarbon Recovery
M Alameri, MK Singh, M Tene, S Rinco, MS Al Kobaisi, C Rat, D Dias, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D041S150R002, 2024
Methods and systems for reservoir simulation
Z Li, A Kozlova, S Watanabe, K Bratvedt, J Natvig, T Matei
US Patent App. 18/174,058, 2023
Methods and systems for reservoir simulation
Z Li, A Kozlova, S Watanabe, K Bratvedt, J Natvig, T Matei
US Patent App. 16/948,279, 2021
F-AMS: a flexible multiscale framework for multiphase flow through naturally fractured porous media
M Tene, MS Al Kobaisi, H Hajibeygi
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