Tunrayo R Alabi
Tunrayo R Alabi
GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist, IITA
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A simple algorithm for large-scale mapping of evergreen forests in tropical America, Africa and Asia
X Xiao, CM Biradar, C Czarnecki, T Alabi, M Keller
Remote Sensing 1 (3), 355-374, 2009
Between rainfall and food poverty: Assessing vulnerability to climate change in an agricultural economy
OE Olayide, T Alabi
Journal of Cleaner Production 198, 1-10, 2018
Estimation of soybean grain yield from multispectral high-resolution UAV data with machine learning models in West Africa
TR Alabi, AT Abebe, G Chigeza, KR Fowobaje
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 27, 100782, 2022
A countrywide molecular survey leads to a seminal identification of the invasive cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in Cameroon, a decade after it was reported in …
BA Silatsa, JR Kuiate, F Njiokou, G Simo, JMK Feussom, A Tunrayo, ...
Ticks and tick-borne diseases 10 (3), 585-593, 2019
Spatial multivariate cluster analysis for defining target population of environments in West Africa for yam breeding
TR Alabi, PO Adebola, A Asfaw, D De Koeyer, A Lopez-Montes, R Asiedu
International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR) 10 (3), 1-30, 2019
Technical innovations for small-scale producers and households to process wet cassava peels into high quality animal feed ingredients and aflasafe™ substrate
I Okike, A Samireddypalle, L Kaptoge, C Fauquet, J Atehnkeng, ...
Food chain, 71-90, 2015
Use of remote sensing and GIS for improved natural resources management: case study from different agroecological zones of West Africa
B Junge, T Alabi, K Sonder, S Marcus, R Abaidoo, D Chikoye, K Stahr
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (23), 6115-6141, 2010
Assessing socioeconomic factors influencing production and commercialization of Bambara groundnut as an indigenous climate resilient crop in Nigeria
OE Olayide, SA Donkoh, IGK Ansah, W Adzawla, PJ O’Reilly, S Mayes, ...
Springer Nature Switzerland, 2018
Banana mapping in heterogenous smallholder farming systems using high-resolution remote sensing imagery and machine learning models with implications for banana bunchy top …
TR Alabi, J Adewopo, OP Duke, PL Kumar
Remote Sensing 14 (20), 5206, 2022
Comparison of UAV and SAR performance for Crop type classification using machine learning algorithms: A case study of humid forest ecology experimental research site of West Africa
OP Duke, T Alabi, N Neeti, J Adewopo
International Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (11), 4259-4286, 2022
First Report of Banana Bunchy Top Virus in Banana (Musa spp.) and Its Eradication in Togo
YA Kolombia, T Oviasuyi, AK Dzola, A Ale Gonh-Goh, T Atsu, A Oresanya, ...
Plant Disease 105 (10), 3312, 2021
Geostatistical mapping of soil fertility constraints for yam based cropping systems of North-central and Southeast Nigeria
M Jemo, OJ Jayeoba, T Alabi, AL Montes
Geoderma Regional 2, 102-109, 2014
Birds of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture campus, a stronghold of avian diversity in the changing Ibadan area (Nigeria) over the last 50 years
A Multi-criteria GIS site selection for sustainable cocoa development in West Africa: A case study of Nigeria
T Alabi, K Sonder, O Oduwole, C Okafor
Geographic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2013
Report on mapping livelihoods and nutrition in Nigeria using data from the national rural livelihoods survey and the national food consumption and nutrition survey
C Legg, P Kormawa, B Maziya-Dixon, R Okechukwu, S Ofodile, T Alabi
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2005
Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes
G Hyman, E Barona, C Biradar, E Guevara, J Dixon, S Beebe, ...
F1000Research 5, 885, 2016
Accounting for correlation among environmental covariates improves delineation of extrapolation suitability index for agronomic technological packages
FK Muthoni, F Baijukya, M Bekunda, H Sseguya, A Kimaro, T Alabi, ...
Geocarto International 34 (4), 368-390, 2019
Assessing the conservation status, biodiversity potentials and economic contribution of urban tree Ecosystems in Nigerian Cities
AD Agbelade, JC Onyekwelu, AA John, J Adedayo, T Alabi
Urban Ecosystems 25 (1), 165-178, 2022
A manual for large-scale sample collection, preservation, tracking, DNA extraction, and variety identification analysis
G Girma, I Rabbi, A Olanrewaju, O Alaba, P Kulakow, T Alabi, V Manyong
A manual for large-scale sample collection, preservation, tracking, DNA …, 2017
Investigating the use of high resolution multi-spectral satellite imagery for crop mapping in Nigeria-crop and landuse classification using WorldView-3 high resolution …
T Alabi, M Haertel, S Chiejile
International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory …, 2016
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