Biological Flora of the British Isles: Ambrosia artemisiifolia F Essl, K Biró, D Brandes, O Broennimann, JM Bullock, DS Chapman, ...
Journal of Ecology 103 (4), 1069-1098, 2015
279 2015 Repair of chronic osteochondral defects using predifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells in an ovine model M Zscharnack, P Hepp, R Richter, T Aigner, R Schulz, J Somerson, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 38 (9), 1857-1869, 2010
174 2010 Matrix-associated implantation of predifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells versus articular chondrocytes: in vivo results of cartilage repair after 1 year B Marquass, R Schulz, P Hepp, M Zscharnack, T Aigner, S Schmidt, ...
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The European Physical Journal C 79 (2), 1-45, 2019
109 2019 Spread of invasive ragweed: climate change, management and how to reduce allergy costs R Richter, UE Berger, S Dullinger, F Essl, M Leitner, M Smith, G Vogl
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106 2013 Convergence of blockchain, IoT, and AI P Sandner, J Gross, R Richter
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101 2020 High-precision phenotyping of grape bunch architecture using fast 3D sensor and automation F Rist, K Herzog, J Mack, R Richter, V Steinhage, R Töpfer
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64 2018 Measurements of electroweak\documentclass [12pt]{minimal}\usepackage {amsmath}\usepackage {wasysym}\usepackage {amsfonts}\usepackage {amssymb}\usepackage {amsbsy}\usepackage … M Aaboud, G Aad, B Abbott, J Abdallah, B Abeloos, SH Abidi, ...
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The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-28, 2016
55 2016 Navigated control in functional endoscopic sinus surgery G Strauss, K Koulechov, R Richter, A Dietz, C Trantakis, T Lüth
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55 2005 Parental feeding practices in families with children aged 2–13 years: Psychometric properties and child age-specific norms of the German version of the Child Feeding … R Schmidt, R Richter, A Brauhardt, A Hiemisch, W Kiess, A Hilbert
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50 2017 An art therapy intervention for cancer patients in the ambulant aftercare–results from a non‐randomised controlled study K Geue, R Richter, M Buttstädt, E Brähler, S Singer
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49 2013 How to account for habitat suitability in weed management programmes? R Richter, S Dullinger, F Essl, M Leitner, G Vogl
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39 2013 Identification of co-located QTLs and genomic regions affecting grapevine cluster architecture R Richter, D Gabriel, F Rist, R Töpfer, E Zyprian
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31 2019 Art therapy in psycho-oncology—recruitment of participants and gender differences in usage K Geue, R Richter, M Buttstaedt, E Braehler, U Boehler, S Singer
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26 2002 A non-randomised trial of an art therapy intervention for patients with haematological malignancies to support post-traumatic growth S Singer, H Götze, M Buttstädt, C Ziegler, R Richter, A Brown, ...
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24 2013 Mutations in the miR396 binding site of the growth‐regulating factor gene VvGRF4 modulate inflorescence architecture in grapevine S Rossmann, R Richter, H Sun, K Schneeberger, R Töpfer, E Zyprian, ...
The Plant Journal 101 (5), 1234-1248, 2020
23 2020 Navigated control: Ein neues konzept für die computer-assistierte-hno-chirurgie G Strauß, K Koulechov, R Richter, A Dietz, J Meixensberger, C Trantakis, ...
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 84 (08), 567-576, 2005
22 2005 Theorie und Modelle der Physiotherapie: Ein Handbuch H Höppner, R Richter
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