New particle swarm optimizer with sigmoid increasing inertia weight RF Malik, TA Rahman, SZM Hashim, R Ngah International Journal of Computer Science and Security 1 (2), 35-44, 2007 | 132 | 2007 |
Investigating brute force attack patterns in IoT network D Stiawan, MY Idris, RF Malik, S Nurmaini, N Alsharif, R Budiarto Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2019 (1), 4568368, 2019 | 120 | 2019 |
Device discovery in D2D communication: A survey O Hayat, R Ngah, SZM Hashim, MH Dahri, RF Malik, Y Rahayu IEEE Access 7, 131114-131134, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Text classification using long short-term memory with glove WK Sari, DP Rini, RF Malik Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 5 (2), 85-100, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Anomaly detection and monitoring in Internet of Things communication D Stiawan, MY Idris, RF Malik, S Nurmaini, R Budiarto 2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
Analisa Pola Frekuensi Keranjang Belanja Dengan Dengan Perbandingan Algoritma Fp-Growth (Frequent Pattern Growth) dan Eclat pada minimarket KNW Krisna Nata Wijaya, RFM Reza Firsandaya Malik, SN Siti Nurmaini JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) 7 (2), 364-373, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
A model of preprocessing for social media data extraction DZ Abidin, S Nurmaini, RF Malik, E Rasywir, Y Pratama 2019 International conference on informatics, multimedia, cyber and …, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Knowledge preserving OSELM model for Wi-Fi-based indoor localization AS Al-Khaleefa, MR Ahmad, AAM Isa, MRM Esa, Y Aljeroudi, MA Jubair, ... Sensors 19 (10), 2397, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Optimized authentication for wireless body area network AS Al-Khaleefa, MR Ahmad, RC Muniyandi, RF Malik, AAM Isa Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10 …, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Disaster mitigation management using geofencing in Indonesia R Passarella, SP Raflesia, D Lestarini, RF Malik, H Ubaya, A Rifai 2017 11th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and …, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Penerapan metode K-Nearest Neighbor dalam memprediksi masa studi mahasiswa (Studi kasus: mahasiswa STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa) J Jasmir, DZ Abidin, S Nurmaini, RF Malik Annual Research Seminar (ARS) 3 (1), 133-138, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Klasifikasi teks multilabel pada artikel berita menggunakan long short-term memory dengan Word2Vec WK Sari, DP Rini, RF Malik, IBS Azhar J. RESTI (Rekayasa Sist. dan Teknol. Informasi) 1 (3), 276-285, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
The new multipoint relays selection in OLSR using particle swarm optimization RF Malik, TA Rahman, R Ngah, SZ Mohd, H Hashim TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 10 (2), 343-352, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
Bigram feature extraction and conditional random fields model to improve text classification clinical trial document J Jasmir, S Nurmaini, RF Malik, B Tutuko TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 19 (3), 886-892, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Sequential models for text classification using recurrent neural network WK Sari, DP RINI, RF MALIK, ISB AZHAR Sriwijaya international conference on information technology and its …, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Mfa-oselm algorithm for wifi-based indoor positioning system AS Al-Khaleefa, MR Ahmad, AAM Isa, A Al-Saffar, MRM Esa, RF Malik Information 10 (4), 146, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Integration of decision-making method and data-mining method as a preliminary study of novel sales forecasting method R Gustriansyah, DPR Ermatita, RF Malik International Journal 9 (4), 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Text Classification of Cancer Clinical Trials Documents Using Deep Neural Network and Fine Grained Document Clustering J JASMIR, S NURMAINI, RF MALIK, DZ ABIDIN Sriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its …, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Credit scoring using classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm and binary particle swarm optimization RF Malik, H Hermawan International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 (6), 5425, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Evaluation of greedy perimeter stateless routing protocol on vehicular ad hoc network in palembang city RF Malik, MS Nurfatih, H Ubaya, R Zulfahmi, E Sodikin 2017 International conference on data and software engineering (ICoDSE), 1-5, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |