Lucia Medina Gómez
Lucia Medina Gómez
Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
Потвърден имейл адрес: ciencias.unam.mx
Multiple Target 3D Location Airborne Ultrasonic System
L Medina, C Wyckes
Ultrasonics 39, 19-25, 2001
Rol del ingeniero civil en la sociedad chilena contemporánea
E Forcael, S Vargas, A Opazo, L Medina
Revista de la Construcción 12 (2), 72-87, 2013
Circular ultrasonic transducer characterization: Theoretical and experimental result
L Medina, E Moreno, G G, L L
Revista Mexicana de Fisica 49, 511-518, 2003
Ultrasonic phase velocity of carbonated cement paste probes
A Villarreal, M Cosmes-López, FM León-Martínez, F Castellanos, ...
Applied Acoustics 154, 129-134, 2019
Pattern recognition of wavelets decomposition using ART2 networks for echoes analysis
M Solis, H Benitez-Perez, E Rubio, L Medina-Gomez, ...
2001 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium. Proceedings. An International Symposium …, 2001
Mathematics Motivated by Physics: The electrostatic potential is the Coulomb integral transform of the electric charge density
L Medina, E Ley-Koo
Revista Mexicana de Fisica E 54, 153-159, 2009
Improved SNR of phased-array PERES coils via simulation study
AO Rodriguez, L Medina
Physics in Medicine and Biology 50, N215-N225, 2005
Evaluación reológica y mecánica de un aglutinante asfáltico modificado por polímeros.
L Medina, M Muniz de Farias, C Recarey
Revista ingeniería de construcción 35 (2), 170-181, 2020
Location of material flaws using wavelet analysis and neural network
M Solís, H Benítez, L Medina, G Gonzalez, L Leija
2002 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. 1, 841-844, 2002
Application of Waterman-Truell theory and the Dynamic Generalised Self-Consistent model to the study of the trabecular bone case
M Molero, A Villareal, L Medina
2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1594-1597, 2009
Comparison of Phase Velocity in Trabecular Bone Mimicking Phantoms by Numerical Time Domain (EFIT) and Analytical Multiple Scattering Approaches
M Molero, L Medina
Ultrasonics 52, 809-814, 2012
Open Source Acoustic Solver of Elastodynamic Equations for Heterogeneous Isotropic Media
C Villagómez, L Medina, WCA Pereira
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1521-1524, 2012
Gámez. 2010. Compuestos fenólicos y actividad antioxidante de cascara de uva (vitis vinífera L.) de mesa cultivada en el noroeste de México
D Molina, L Medina, G González, R Robles
Journal of food 8, 57-63, 0
Role of the civil engineer in the contemporary Chilean society
E Forcael, S Vargas, A Opazo, L Medina
Revista de la Construcción 12 (2), 74-89, 2013
Study of micro-cracks in cement-based materials with NMR relaxometry and ultrasound
S Hernández, A Villareal, SE Solis-Najera, O Marrufo, AO Rodriguez, ...
2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2702-2705, 2012
Surface Current Distributions on Spheres and Spheroids as Sources of Pure Quadrupole Magnetic Fields
L Medina, E Ley-Koo
Revista Mexicana de Fisica E 57, 87-95, 2011
Phase velocity analysis of acoustic propagation in trabecular bone
A Villarreal, L Medina
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Ultrasonic NDT for Flaws Characterization using ARTMAP Network and Wavelet Analysis
MC Moisen, H Benitez-Perez, L Medina
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 33 (4), 387-403, 2008
Envelope-beamformer location of inhomogeneities
L Medina, E Moreno
Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics, 2003
A proposed method to assure the efficiency of thermotherapy treatments
JAP Ahumada, J de la Rosa, RAM Salas, L Medina
AIP Conference Proceedings 2348 (1), 2021
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