Muhammad Sabieh Anwar
Muhammad Sabieh Anwar
Department of Physics, LUMS School of Science and Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan
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NMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of para-hydrogen
LS Bouchard, SR Burt, MS Anwar, KV Kovtunov, IV Koptyug, A Pines
Science 319 (5862), 442-445, 2008
para-Hydrogen-Induced Polarization in Heterogeneous Hydrogenation Reactions
IV Koptyug, KV Kovtunov, SR Burt, MS Anwar, C Hilty, SI Han, A Pines, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (17), 5580-5586, 2007
Picomolar sensitivity MRI and photoacoustic imaging of cobalt nanoparticles
LS Bouchard, MS Anwar, GL Liu, B Hann, ZH Xie, JW Gray, X Wang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (11), 4085-4089, 2009
Dielectric meta-holograms enabled with dual magnetic resonances in visible light
Z Li, I Kim, L Zhang, MQ Mehmood, MS Anwar, M Saleem, D Lee, KT Nam, ...
ACS nano 11 (9), 9382-9389, 2017
Polarisation insensitive multifunctional metasurfaces based on all-dielectric nanowaveguides
N Mahmood, I Kim, MQ Mehmood, H Jeong, A Akbar, D Lee, M Saleem, ...
Nanoscale 10 (38), 18323-18330, 2018
Reducing noise by repetition: introduction to signal averaging
U Hassan, MS Anwar
European Journal of Physics 31 (3), 453, 2010
Para‐hydrogen‐enhanced hyperpolarized gas‐phase magnetic resonance imaging
LS Bouchard, KV Kovtunov, SR Burt, MS Anwar, IV Koptyug, RZ Sagdeev, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46 (22), 4064-4068, 2007
Preparing high purity initial states for nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computing
MS Anwar, D Blazina, HA Carteret, SB Duckett, TK Halstead, JA Jones, ...
Physical review letters 93 (4), 040501, 2004
Optical spin-symmetry breaking for high-efficiency directional helicity-multiplexed metaholograms
MA Naveed, MA Ansari, I Kim, T Badloe, J Kim, DK Oh, K Riaz, T Tauqeer, ...
Microsystems & nanoengineering 7 (1), 5, 2021
Correlation and path coefficient analysis of earliness, fiber quality and yield contributing traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).
J Farooq, M Anwar, M Riaz, A Farooq, A Mahmood, MTH Shahid, M Rafiq, ...
JAPS: Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 24 (3), 2014
Twisted non-diffracting beams through all dielectric meta-axicons
N Mahmood, H Jeong, I Kim, MQ Mehmood, M Zubair, A Akbar, M Saleem, ...
Nanoscale 11 (43), 20571-20578, 2019
Chitosan-based electrospun nanofibrous mats, hydrogels and cast films: novel anti-bacterial wound dressing matrices
S Shahzad, M Yar, SA Siddiqi, N Mahmood, A Rauf, ZA Qureshi, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 26, 1-12, 2015
Bovine hypodermosis: Prevalence and economic significance in southern Punjab, Pakistan
MN Khan, Z Iqbal, MS Sajid, M Anwar, GR Needham, M Hassan
Veterinary Parasitology 141 (3-4), 386-390, 2006
Triethyl orthoformate mediated a novel crosslinking method for the preparation of hydrogels for tissue engineering applications: characterization and in vitro cytocompatibility …
M Yar, S Shahzad, SA Siddiqi, N Mahmood, A Rauf, MS Anwar, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 56, 154-164, 2015
Implementing Grover’s quantum search on a para-hydrogen based pure state NMR quantum computer
MS Anwar, D Blazina, HA Carteret, SB Duckett, JA Jones
Chemical physics letters 400 (1-3), 94-97, 2004
Structural, dielectric, and impedance study of ZnO-doped barium zirconium titanate (BZT) ceramics
QK Muhammad, M Waqar, MA Rafiq, MN Rafiq, M Usman, MS Anwar
Journal of Materials Science 51, 10048-10058, 2016
Investigating viscous damping using a webcam
S Shamim, W Zia, MS Anwar
American Journal of Physics 78 (4), 433-436, 2010
Generation and interrogation of a pure nuclear spin state by parahydrogen‐enhanced NMR spectroscopy: a defined initial state for quantum computation
D Blazina, SB Duckett, TK Halstead, CM Kozak, RJK Taylor, MS Anwar, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 43 (3), 200-208, 2005
Engineering the absorption spectra of thin film multilayer absorbers for enhanced color purity in CMY color filters
AS Rana, M Zubair, MS Anwar, M Saleem, MQ Mehmood
Optical Materials Express 10 (2), 268-281, 2020
Planar achiral metasurfaces-induced anomalous chiroptical effect of optical spin isolation
AS Rana, I Kim, MA Ansari, MS Anwar, M Saleem, T Tauqeer, A Danner, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (43), 48899-48909, 2020
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