Mahesh Kumar
Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of
M Kumar
Wind solar hybrid renewable energy system, 227, 2020
Advanced Pareto Front Non-Dominated Sorting Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generation
K Mahesh, P Nallagownden, I Elamvazuthi
Energies 9 (12,982), 2016
Optimal placement and sizing of renewable distributed generations and capacitor banks into radial distribution systems
M Kumar, P Nallagownden, I Elamvazuthi
Energies 10 (6), 811, 2017
Strategic planning of renewable distributed generation in radial distribution system using advanced MOPSO method
MZ Malik, M Kumar, AM Soomro, MH Baloch, M Farhan, M Gul, GS Kaloi
Energy Reports 6, 2872-2886, 2020
Optimal placement and sizing of DG in distribution system using accelerated PSO for power loss minimization
K Mahesh, PAL Nallagownden, IAL Elamvazuthi
2015 IEEE conference on energy conversion (CENCON), 193-198, 2015
Wind energy integration: Dynamic modeling and control of DFIG based on super twisting fractional order terminal sliding mode controller
MA Soomro, ZA Memon, M Kumar, MH Baloch
Energy Reports 7, 6031-6043, 2021
Optimal multi-objective placement and sizing of distributed generation in distribution system: a comprehensive review
M Kumar, AM Soomro, W Uddin, L Kumar
Energies 15 (21), 7850, 2022
Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators for voltage-dependent load model in radial distribution system
M Kumar, P Nallagownden, I Elamvazuthi
Renewable Energy Focus 19, 23-37, 2017
A critical review of optimization strategies for simultaneous integration of distributed generation and capacitor banks in power distribution networks
ZH Leghari, M Kumar, PH Shaikh, L Kumar, QT Tran
Energies 15 (21), 8258, 2022
Power management of a stand-alone hybrid (Wind/Solar/Battery) energy system: An experimental investigation
S Mahesar, MH Baloch, GS Kaloi, M Kumar, AM Soomro, AA Solangi, ...
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 9 (6), 2018
Hydrogen storage on flat land materials, opportunities, and challenges: a review study
K Fatima, AM Soomro, M Rafique, M Kumar
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 69 (4), 663-680, 2022
An LVRT scheme for grid connected DFIG based WECS using state feedback linearization control technique
GS Kaloi, MH Baloch, M Kumar, DM Soomro, ST Chauhdary, AA Memon, ...
Electronics 8 (7), 777, 2019
Optimal Configuration of DG in Distribution System: An Overview
K Mahesh, P Nallagownden, I Elamvazuthi
MATEC Web of Conferences 38, 01007, 2016
Optimal integration of battery energy-storage system with high penetration of renewable energy in radial distribution network
HI Sheikh, MK Rathi, AM Soomro
Clean Energy 6 (3), 404-411, 2022
Collision avoidance between vehicles through LiFi based communication system
AA Jamali, MK Rathi, AH Memon, B Das, S Ghanshamdas
IJCSNS 18 (12), 81-87, 2018
Multi-objective PSO based optimal placement of solar power DG in radial distribution system.
M Kumar, P Nallagownden, I Elamvazuthi
Journal of Electrical Systems 13 (2), 2017
To Design an off Gird PV System for un electrified area of District Tharparkar, Pakistan
K Kumar, M Kumar, AM Soomro
International Journal of Green Energy 18 (9), 920-932, 2021
Integrated buck-flyback converter with simple structure and unity power factor
AH Memon, AA Pathan, M Kumar, AJ Sahito, ZA Memon
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 12 (17), 1-8, 2019
A combined-model for uncertain load and optimal configuration of distributed generation in power distribution system
P Nallagownden, K Mahesh, I Elamvazuthi
Int. J. Simul. Syst. Sci. Technol 17 (41), 11.1-11.7, 2017
Implementation of microgrid with integration of hybrid renewable sources using different backup techniques
OA Memon, AM Soomro, M Kumar, M Farhan
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13 (33), 3457-3466, 2020
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