Dirk Ahlers
Dirk Ahlers
Senior Researcher at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Assessment of the accuracy of GeoNames gazetteer data
D Ahlers
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 74-81, 2013
API deployment for big data management towards sustainable energy prosumption in smart cities-a layered architecture perspective
AJ Bokolo, S Abbas Petersen, D Ahlers, J Krogstie
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 1-27, 2019
Big data driven multi-tier architecture for electric mobility as a service in smart cities
BA Jnr, SA Petersen, D Ahlers, J Krogstie
International Journal of Energy Sector Management 14 (5), 1023-1047, 2020
Modeling pervasive platforms and digital services for smart urban transformation using an enterprise architecture framework
AJ Bokolo, SA Petersen, M Helfert, D Ahlers, J Krogstie
Information Technology & People, 2021
Big Data Driven Multi-Tier Architecture for Electric Mobility as a Service in Smart Cities: A Design Science Approach
AJ Bokolo, SA Petersen, D Ahlers, J Krogstie
International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 2020
Co-Creation of Positive Energy Blocks
D Ahlers, P Driscoll, H Wibe, A Wyckmans
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 352, 012060, 2019
Big data-oriented energy prosumption service in smart community districts: a multi-case study perspective
A Bokolo, SA Petersen, D Ahlers, J Krogstie, K Livik
Energy Informatics 2 (1), 36, 2019
Retrieving Address-based Locations from the Web
D Ahlers, S Boll
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 27-34, 2008
Location-based Web search
D Ahlers, S Boll
The Geospatial Web, 55-66, 2009
Adaptive geospatially focused crawling
D Ahlers, S Boll
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009
Value-added services, virtual enterprises and data spaces inspired Enterprise architecture for smart cities
SA Petersen, Z Pourzolfaghar, I Alloush, D Ahlers, J Krogstie, M Helfert
Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation: 20th IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2019
Approaches to social innovation in positive energy districts (PEDs)—a comparison of Norwegian projects
D Baer, B Loewen, C Cheng, J Thomsen, A Wyckmans, ...
Sustainability 13 (13), 7362, 2021
Zero emission neighbourhoods in smart cities. definition, key performance indicators and assessment criteria: Version 2.0
MRK Wiik, SM Fufa, K Fjellheim, SK Lien, J Krogstie, D Ahlers, ...
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2021
The Governance Approach of Smart City Initiatives. Evidence from Trondheim, Bergen, and Bodø
S Gohari, D Ahlers, B F Nielsen, E Junker
Infrastructures 5 (4), 31, 2020
Understanding smart cities as social machines
D Ahlers, P Driscoll, E Löfström, J Krogstie, A Wyckmans
Proceedings of the 25th international conference companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
A smart city ecosystem enabling open innovation
D Ahlers, LWM Wienhofen, SA Petersen, M Anvaari
Innovations for Community Services: 19th International Conference, I4CS 2019 …, 2019
A measurement-driven approach to understand urban greenhouse gas emissions in nordic cities
D Ahlers, PA Driscoll, FA Kraemer, FV Anthonisen, J Krogstie
NIK, 2016
F2c2C-DM: A Fog-to-cloudlet-to-Cloud Data Management architecture in smart city
A Sinaeepourfard, J Krogstie, SA Petersen, D Ahlers
2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 590-595, 2019
Business entity retrieval and data provision for yellow pages by local search
D Ahlers
IRPS Workshop@ ECIR2013, 2013
Urban web crawling
D Ahlers, S Boll
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Location and the web, 25-32, 2008
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