Sara C Keen
Sara C Keen
Earth Species Project
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Acoustic monitoring for conservation in tropical forests: examples from forest elephants
PH Wrege, ED Rowland, S Keen, Y Shiu
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (10), 1292-1301, 2017
Towards the automatic classification of avian flight calls for bioacoustic monitoring
J Salamon, JP Bello, A Farnsworth, M Robbins, S Keen, H Klinck, ...
PloS one 11 (11), e0166866, 2016
Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa
KJ Odom, M Araya‐Salas, JL Morano, RA Ligon, GM Leighton, CC Taff, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1135-1159, 2021
A comparison of similarity-based approaches in the classification of flight calls of four species of North American wood-warblers (Parulidae)
S Keen, JC Ross, ET Griffiths, M Lanzone, A Farnsworth
Ecological Informatics 21, 25-33, 2014
Social learning of acoustic anti-predator cues occurs between wild bird species
SC Keen, EF Cole, MJ Sheehan, BC Sheldon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1920), 20192513, 2020
Flight calls signal group and individual identity but not kinship in a cooperatively breeding bird
SC Keen, CD Meliza, DR Rubenstein
Behavioral Ecology 24 (6), 1279-1285, 2013
A machine learning approach for classifying and quantifying acoustic diversity
SC Keen, KJ Odom, MS Webster, GM Kohn, TF Wright, M Araya‐Salas
Methods in ecology and evolution 12 (7), 1213-1225, 2021
Automated detection of low-frequency rumbles of forest elephants: A critical tool for their conservation
SC Keen, Y Shiu, PH Wrege, ED Rowland
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (4), 2715-2726, 2017
Pitch-and spectral-based dynamic time warping methods for comparing field recordings of harmonic avian vocalizations
C Daniel Meliza, SC Keen, DR Rubenstein
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (2), 1407-1415, 2013
Diurnal variation in the production of vocal information about food supports a model of social adjustment in wild songbirds
F Hillemann, EF Cole, SC Keen, BC Sheldon, DR Farine
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1897), 20182740, 2019
Song in a social and sexual context: vocalizations signal identity and rank in both sexes of a cooperative breeder
S Keen, CD Meliza, JA Pilowsky, DR Rubenstein
Frontiers in ecology and evolution 4, 46, 2016
Can nocturnal flight calls of the migrating songbird, American redstart, encode sexual dimorphism and individual identity?
ET Griffiths, SC Keen, M Lanzone, A Farnsworth
PloS one 11 (6), e0156578, 2016
Non-native species change the tune of tundra soils: Novel access to soundscapes of the Arctic earthworm invasion
SC Keen, AA Wackett, JK Willenbring, K Yoo, H Jonsson, T Clow, ...
Science of the Total Environment 838, 155976, 2022
Acoustic monitoring for conservation in tropical forests: examples from forest elephants. Methods Ecol Evol 8: 1292–1301
PH Wrege, ED Rowland, S Keen, Y Shiu
Acoustic monitoring for conservation in tropical forests: examples from forest elephants. Methods Ecol. Evol
PH Wrege, ED Rowland, S Keen, Y Shiu
Large-scale automatic acoustic monitoring of African forest elephants' calls in the terrestrial acoustic recordings
Y Shiu, PH Wrege, S Keen, ED Rowland
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135 (4_Supplement), 2334-2334, 2014
Biodenoising: animal vocalization denoising without access to clean data
M Miron, S Keen, JY Liu, B Hoffman, M Hagiwara, O Pietquin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.03427, 2024
The role of social environment in shaping vocal communication systems in wild songbirds
SC Keen
The demographic drivers of cultural evolution in bird song: a multilevel study
NM Recalde, A Estandía, SC Keen, EF Cole, BC Sheldon
bioRxiv, 2023.11. 30.569452, 2023
Earthworms Change the Tune of Tundra Soils: Using Soundscapes to Detect the Presence of Non-Native Species
S Keen, A Wackett, J Willenbring, K Yoo, H Jonsson, T Clow, J Klaminder
Available at SSRN 4020172, 2022
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