José Acuña
Thermal evaluation of coaxial deep borehole heat exchangers
H Holmberg, J Acuña, E Næss, OK Sønju
Renewable energy 97, 65-76, 2016
Distributed thermal response tests on pipe-in-pipe borehole heat exchangers
J Acuña, B Palm
Applied Energy 109, 312-320, 2013
Transient heat transfer in a coaxial borehole heat exchanger
RA Beier, J Acuña, P Mogensen, B Palm
Geothermics 51, 470-482, 2014
Borehole resistance and vertical temperature profiles in coaxial borehole heat exchangers
RA Beier, J Acuña, P Mogensen, B Palm
Applied energy 102, 665-675, 2013
Autoestima y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del X ciclo 2012-II de la escuela académica profesional de educación primaria y problemas de aprendizaje de la Universidad …
J Acuña
Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Lima, 2013
Distributed thermal response tests: New insights on U-pipe and Coaxial heat exchangers in groundwater-filled boreholes
J Acuña
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013
Improvements of U-pipe borehole heat exchangers
J Acuña
KTH, 2010
Experimental validation of a short-term Borehole-to-Ground (B2G) dynamic model
F Ruiz-Calvo, M De Rosa, J Acuña, JM Corberán, C Montagud
Applied Energy 140, 210-223, 2015
Vertical temperature profiles and borehole resistance in a U-tube borehole heat exchanger
RA Beier, J Acuña, P Mogensen, B Palm
Geothermics 44, 23-32, 2012
A novel numerical approach for imposing a temperature boundary condition at the borehole wall in borehole fields
P Monzo, P Mogensen, J Acuña, F Ruiz-Calvo, C Montagud
Geothermics 56, 35-44, 2015
A novel coaxial borehole heat exchanger: description and first distributed thermal response test measurements
J Acuña, B Palm
Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, 7, 2010
Bergvärme på djupet: Boken för dig som vill veta mer om bergvärmepumpar
E Björk, J Acuña, E Granryd, P Mogensen, JE Nowacki, B Palm, K Weber
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013
Distributed thermal response tests on a multi-pipe coaxial borehole heat exchanger
J Acuña, P Mogensen, B Palm
HVAC&R Research 17 (6), 1012-1029, 2011
Numerical modeling of ground thermal response with borehole heat exchangers connected in parallel
P Monzó, AR Puttige, J Acuña, P Mogensen, A Cazorla, J Rodriguez, ...
Energy and Buildings 172, 371-384, 2018
Pérdidas de nitrógeno por emisión de N2 y N2O en diferentes sistemas de manejo y con tres fuentes nitrogenadas
OAG Cabrera, TM Cázares, JLA Acuña, MH Martínez, ES Moya, ...
Agrociencia 38 (6), 625-633, 2004
Duración de la etapa reproductiva y el rendimiento de trigo
E Solís-Moya, M Hernández-Martínez, A Borodanenko, JL Aguilar-Acuña, ...
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 27 (4), 323-323, 2004
Numerical model for non-grouted borehole heat exchangers, Part 2—Evaluation
H Holmberg, J Acuña, E Næss, OK Sønju
Geothermics 59, 134-144, 2016
Analysis of the thermal interference between ground source heat pump systems in dense neighborhoods
ML FascÌ, A Lazzarotto, J Acuna, J Claesson
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 25 (8), 1069-1080, 2019
Local conduction heat transfer in U-pipe borehole heat exchangers
J Acuña, B Palm
COMSOL Conference Milan, 2009
Sobre la biología de Bephrata cubensis Ashm., el insecto perforador de las frutas anonáceas
SC Bruner, J Acuña
Academia de Ciencias de Cuba Instituto de Agronomía 1, 1-14, 1967
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