Nicole Thurgate
Nicole Thurgate
La Trobe University
Потвърден имейл адрес: adelaide.edu.au
Value of long‐term ecological studies
DB Lindenmayer, GE Likens, A Andersen, D Bowman, CM Bull, E Burns, ...
Austral Ecology 37 (7), 745-757, 2012
The conflicting role of matrix habitats as conduits and barriers for dispersal
D Kuefler, B Hudgens, NM Haddad, WF Morris, N Thurgate
Ecology 91 (4), 944-950, 2010
Impacts of clearing, fragmentation and disturbance on the bird fauna of Eucalypt savanna woodlands in central Queensland, Australia
D Hannah, JCZ Woinarski, CP Catterall, JC McCosker, NY Thurgate, ...
Austral Ecology 32 (3), 261-276, 2007
Biodiversity and environmental change: Monitoring, challenges and direction
E Burns, D Lindenmayer, A Lowe, N Thurgate
CSIRO publishing, 2014
Clearing and grazing impacts on vegetation patch structures and fauna counts in eucalypt woodland, Central Queensland
JA Ludwig, RW Eager, AC Liedloff, JC McCosker, D Hannah, ...
Pacific Conservation Biology 6 (3), 254-272, 2000
Correlates of recent declines of rodents in northern and southern Australia: habitat structure is critical
MJ Lawes, DO Fisher, CN Johnson, SP Blomberg, ASK Frank, SA Fritz, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0130626, 2015
Local maladaptation in a foundation tree species: Implications for restoration
NJC Gellie, MF Breed, N Thurgate, SA Kennedy, AJ Lowe
Biological conservation 203, 226-232, 2016
A vegetation and soil survey method for surveillance monitoring of rangeland environments
BD Sparrow, JN Foulkes, GM Wardle, EJ Leitch, S Caddy-Retalic, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 157, 2020
Canopy closure, competition, and the endangered dusky gopher frog
NY Thurgate, JHK Pechmann
The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (6), 1845-1852, 2007
Distribution and habitat of the desert mouse (Pseudomys desertor) in Queensland
AS Kutt, NY Thurgate, DS Hannah
Wildlife Research 31 (2), 129-142, 2004
North Australian tropical savannas: the three parks savanna fire-effects plot network
J Russell-Smith, A Edwards, J Woinarski, A Fisher, B Murphy, M Lawes, ...
Biodiversity and environmental change: monitoring, challenges and direction …, 2014
Lands of strips and patches
D Hannah, N Thurgate
Wildlife Australia 38, 38-39, 2001
19 Basin-scale evaluation of Commonwealth environmental water–synthesis report
J Hale, N Bond, S Brooks, S Capon, M Grace, F Guarino, C James, A King, ...
La Trobe University, Wodonga, Vic., Australia, 2018
Murray–Darling Basin Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project. 2018–19 Basin-scale evaluation of Commonwealth environmental water–biodiversity
J Hale, N Bond, S Brooks, S Capon, M Grace, F Guarino, C James
La Trobe University, Wodonga, Vic., Australia, 2020
Our capacity to tell an Australian ecological story
B Sparrow, E Dormontt, N Thurgate, E Burns, D Lindenmayer, A Lowe
Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction …, 2014
The ecology of the endangered dusky gopher frog (Rana sevosa) and a common congener, the southern leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala)
NY Thurgate
University of New Orleans, 2006
The value of long-term research and how to design effective ecological research and monitoring
D Lindenmayer, E Burns, N Thurgate, AJ Lowe
Biodiversity and environmental change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction, 21, 2014
Chenopod and acacia shrublands
J Foulkes, N De Preu, R Sinclair, N Thurgate, B Sparrow, A White
Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction …, 2014
Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network: A network of networks approach to building and maintaining continental ecosystem research infrastructures
N Thurgate, AJ Lowe, TF Clancy
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures, 427-448, 2017
The impact of cattle grazing on the reptiles of the Great Basalt Wall
NY Thurgate
Unpublished B. Sc. honours thesis, James Cook University, 1997
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