Ulrich Leicht-Deobald
Ulrich Leicht-Deobald
Associate Professor in Responsible Leadership, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland
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The challenges of algorithm-based HR decision-making for personal integrity
U Leicht-Deobald, T Busch, C Schank, A Weibel, S Schafheitle, ...
Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology, 71-86, 2022
The dark sides of people analytics: reviewing the perils for organisations and employees
LM Giermindl, F Strich, O Christ, U Leicht-Deobald, A Redzepi
European Journal of Information Systems 31 (3), 410-435, 2022
No stone left unturned? Toward a framework for the impact of datafication technologies on organizational control
S Schafheitle, A Weibel, I Ebert, G Kasper, C Schank, U Leicht-Deobald
Academy of Management Discoveries 6 (3), 455-487, 2020
The psychology of psychic distance: Antecedents of asymmetric perceptions
L Håkanson, B Ambos, A Schuster, U Leicht-Deobald
Journal of World Business 51 (2), 308-318, 2016
Unravelling agency relations inside the MNC: The roles of socialization, goal conflicts and second principals in headquarters-subsidiary relationships
B Ambos, S Kunisch, U Leicht-Deobald, AS Steinberg
Journal of World Business 54 (2), 67-81, 2019
Understanding the formation of psychic distance perceptions: Are country-level or individual-level factors more important?
B Ambos, U Leicht-Deobald, A Leinemann
International Business Review 28 (4), 660-671, 2019
Algorithmic management: Its implications for information systems research
L Cameron, L Lamers, U Leicht-Deobald, C Lutz, J Meijerink, ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 52, 556-574, 2023
Organizational demographic faultlines: Their impact on collective organizational identification, firm performance, and firm innovation
U Leicht‐Deobald, H Huettermann, H Bruch, BS Lawrence
Journal of Management Studies 58 (8), 2240-2274, 2021
Work-related social support modulates effects of early life stress on limbic reactivity during stress
U Leicht-Deobald, H Bruch, L Bönke, A Stevense, Y Fan, M Bajbouj, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 12, 1405-1418, 2018
Team boundary work and team workload demands: Their interactive effect on team vigor and team effectiveness
U Leicht‐Deobald, CF Lam, H Bruch, F Kunze, W Wu
Human Resource Management 61 (4), 465-488, 2022
Innovation im Verborgenen
U Leicht-Deobald, N Lins
Organisations Entwicklung 1 (2017), 64-69, 2017
A contingency framework for the performance consequences of team boundary management: a meta-analysis of 30 years of research
U Leicht-Deobald, J Backmann, TA de Vries, M Weiss, S Hohmann, ...
Journal of Management 51 (2), 704-747, 2025
Big data or big brother? Big data HR control practices and employee trust
A Weibel, I Wildhaber, U Leicht-Deobald, C Schank, T Busch
Swiss National Science Foundation, 2016
Age-gender Faultlines and Team Innovation–The Role of Collective and Differentiated Leadership
F Kunze, U Leicht-Deobald
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 12011, 2014
A moderated mediation model of team boundary activities, team emotional energy, and team innovation
U Leicht-Deobald, CF Lam
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 11206, 2016
Workplace Surveillance and Big Data: Contextualizing Digital Threats to Employees Moral Agency and Integrity
T Busch, C Schank, U Leicht-Deobald, A Weibel, S Schafheitle, G Kasper, ...
Academy of Management Global Proceedings, 129, 2018
Team Boundary Management: Wie man Teams vor Überforderung schützt
U Leicht-Deobald, H Bruch, J Mainert
What It Means to be Truly Human in Organizations: Martin Buber's Concept of I-Thou Relations
U Leicht-Deobald, LE Garrett, LE Sandelands
Alternative Theories of the Firm, 217-239, 2021
Recognizing People at Work in Their Full Humanity–A Commentary on Bal (2020)
U Leicht-Deobald
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2020
How team boundary spanning is most effective
U Leicht-Deobald, J Backmann, TA De Vries, M Weiss, S Hohmann, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17220, 2020
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