Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement, and validation GM Spreitzer Academy of management Journal 38 (5), 1442-1465, 1995 | 12490 | 1995 |
Social structural characteristics of psychological empowerment GM Spreitzer Academy of management journal 39 (2), 483-504, 1996 | 3390 | 1996 |
A dimensional analysis of the relationship between psychological empowerment and effectiveness, satisfaction, and strain GM Spreitzer, MA Kizilos, SW Nason Journal of management 23 (5), 679-704, 1997 | 2172 | 1997 |
A socially embedded model of thriving at work G Spreitzer, K Sutcliffe, J Dutton, S Sonenshein, AM Grant Organization science 16 (5), 537-549, 2005 | 2066 | 2005 |
Taking stock: A review of more than twenty years of research on empowerment at work GM Spreitzer Handbook of organizational behavior 1, 54-72, 2008 | 1476 | 2008 |
Explaining how survivors respond to downsizing: The roles of trust, empowerment, justice, and work redesign AK Mishra, GM Spreitzer Academy of management Review 23 (3), 567-588, 1998 | 1459 | 1998 |
Thriving at work: Toward its measurement, construct validation, and theoretical refinement C Porath, G Spreitzer, C Gibson, FG Garnett Journal of organizational behavior 33 (2), 250-275, 2012 | 1387 | 2012 |
The road to empowerment: Seven questions every leader should consider RE Quinn, GM Spreitzer Organizational dynamics 26 (2), 37-49, 1997 | 1346 | 1997 |
Organizational culture and organizational development: A competing values approach DR Denison, GM Spreitzer Research in organizational change and development 5 (1), 1-21, 1991 | 1311 | 1991 |
Toward a theory of strategic change: A multi-lens perspective and integrative framework N Rajagopalan, GM Spreitzer Academy of management review 22 (1), 48-79, 1997 | 1265 | 1997 |
The psychometrics of the competing values culture instrument and an analysis of the impact of organizational culture on quality of life RE Quinn, GM Spreitzer Emerald, 1991 | 1238 | 1991 |
A predictive model of self-managing work team effectiveness SG Cohen, GE Ledford Jr, GM Spreitzer Human relations 49 (5), 643-676, 1996 | 1072 | 1996 |
Toward the construct definition of positive deviance GM Spreitzer, S Sonenshein American behavioral scientist 47 (6), 828-847, 2004 | 1056 | 2004 |
Alternative work arrangements: Two images of the new world of work GM Spreitzer, L Cameron, L Garrett Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 4 (1 …, 2017 | 991 | 2017 |
The Oxford handbook of positive organizational scholarship KS Cameron, GM Spreitzer Oxford University Press, 2011 | 980 | 2011 |
Early identification of international executive potential. GM Spreitzer, MW McCall Jr, JD Mahoney Journal of applied Psychology 82 (1), 6, 1997 | 891 | 1997 |
Trust, connectivity, and thriving: Implications for innovative behaviors at work A Carmeli, GM Spreitzer The Journal of Creative Behavior 43 (3), 169-191, 2009 | 865 | 2009 |
Empowered to lead: The role of psychological empowerment in leadership GM Spreitzer, SC De Janasz, RE Quinn Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1999 | 865 | 1999 |
An empirical test of a comprehensive model of intrapersonal empowerment in the workplace GM Spreitzer American journal of community psychology 23 (5), 601-629, 1995 | 739 | 1995 |
Co-constructing a sense of community at work: The emergence of community in coworking spaces LE Garrett, GM Spreitzer, PA Bacevice Organization studies 38 (6), 821-842, 2017 | 651 | 2017 |