Finding interesting rules from large sets of discovered association rules M Klemettinen, H Mannila, P Ronkainen, H Toivonen, AI Verkamo Proceedings of the third international conference on Information and …, 1994 | 1177 | 1994 |
Pruning and grouping of discovered association rules H Toivonen, M Klemettinen, P Ronkainen, K Hätönen, H Mannila ECML Workshop on Statistics, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Discovery in …, 1995 | 406 | 1995 |
Knowledge discovery from telecommunication network alarm databases K Hatonen, M Klemettinen, H Mannila, P Ronkainen, H Toivonen Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on data engineering, 115-122, 1996 | 219 | 1996 |
Applying data mining techniques for descriptive phrase extraction in digital document collections H Ahonen, O Heinonen, M Klemettinen, AI Verkamo Proceedings IEEE International Forum on Research and Technology Advances in …, 1998 | 177 | 1998 |
Rule discovery in telecommunication alarm data M Klemettinen, H Mannila, H Toivonen Journal of Network and Systems Management 7 (4), 395-423, 1999 | 126 | 1999 |
Operating user profiles with distributed profile model using a hybrid terminal M Vanska, I Nordman, M Klemettinen, H Toivonen, A Sorvari, Y Huhtala, ... US Patent App. 09/824,781, 2002 | 105 | 2002 |
A knowledge discovery methodology for telecommunication network alarm databases M Klemettinen University of Helsinki, 1999 | 90 | 1999 |
Applying data mining techniques in text analysis H Ahonen, O Heinonen, M Klemettinen, AI Verkamo Report C-1997-23, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, 1997 | 90 | 1997 |
TASA: Telecommunication alarm sequence analyzer or how to enjoy faults in your network K Hatonen, M Klemettinen, H Mannila, P Ronkainen, H Toivonen Proceedings of NOMS'96-IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium 2 …, 1996 | 85 | 1996 |
Discovering interesting information in XML data with association rules D Braga, A Campi, S Ceri, M Klemettinen, PL Lanzi Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 450-454, 2003 | 84 | 2003 |
Finding co-occurring text phrases by combining sequence and frequent set discovery H Ahonen-Myka, O Heinonen, M Klemettinen, AI Verkamo Proceedings of 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 1999 | 83 | 1999 |
Modeling KDD processes within the inductive database framework JF Boulicaut, M Klemettinen, H Mannila DataWarehousing and Knowledge Discovery: First International Conference …, 1999 | 82 | 1999 |
Mining association rules from XML data D Braga, A Campi, M Klemettinen, PL Lanzi Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 4th International Conference …, 2002 | 77 | 2002 |
A tool for extracting XML association rules D Braga, A Campi, S Ceri, M Klemettinen, PL Lanzi 14th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence …, 2002 | 74 | 2002 |
Enabling technologies for mobile services: the MobiLife book M Klemettinen John Wiley & Sons, 2007 | 67 | 2007 |
Querying inductive databases: A case study on the MINE RULE operator JF Boulicaut, M Klemettinen, H Mannila Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Second European Symposium …, 1998 | 61 | 1998 |
Future of software development with generative AI J Sauvola, S Tarkoma, M Klemettinen, J Riekki, D Doermann Automated Software Engineering 31 (1), 26, 2024 | 56 | 2024 |
Context-awareness in MobiLife R Kernchen, D Bonnefoy, A Battestini, B Mrohs, M Wagner, M Klemettinen Proceedings of the 15th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit, 2006 | 45 | 2006 |
Mining in the phrasal frontier H Ahonen, O Heinonen, M Klemettinen, AI Verkamo Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: First European Symposium …, 1997 | 45 | 1997 |
A data mining methodology and its application to semi-automatic knowledge acquisition M Klemettinen, H Mannila, H Toivonen Database and Expert Systems Applications. 8th International Conference, DEXA …, 1997 | 44 | 1997 |