Bernard J. Geurts
Bernard J. Geurts
Professor of Mathematics, University of Twente & Eindhoven University of Technology
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Large-eddy simulation of the turbulent mixing layer
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
Journal of fluid mechanics 339, 357-390, 1997
Elements of direct and large eddy simulation
BJ Geurts
RT Edwards, Inc, 2003
On the formulation of the dynamic mixed subgrid‐scale model
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
Physics of Fluids 6 (12), 4057-4059, 1994
Realizability conditions for the turbulent stress tensor in large-eddy simulation
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 278, 351-362, 1994
A framework for predicting accuracy limitations in large-eddy simulation
BJ Geurts, J Fröhlich
Physics of fluids 14 (6), L41-L44, 2002
Subgrid-modelling in LES of compressible flow
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
Applied scientific research 54, 191-203, 1995
Regularization modeling for large-eddy simulation
BJ Geurts, DD Holm
Physics of fluids 15 (1), L13-L16, 2003
A priori tests of large eddy simulation of the compressible plane mixing layer
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
Journal of engineering mathematics 29 (4), 299-327, 1995
Inverse modeling for large-eddy simulation
BJ Geurts
Physics of Fluids 9 (12), 3585-3587, 1997
Database analysis of errors in large-eddy simulation
J Meyers, BJ Geurts, M Baelmans
Physics of Fluids 15 (9), 2740-2755, 2003
Large-eddy simulation of the temporal mixing layer using the Clark model
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 8 (4), 309-324, 1996
COMPARISION of numerical schemes in large‐eddy simulation of the temporal mixing layer
B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 22 (4), 297-311, 1996
Metal 3D-printed wick structures for heat pipe application: Capillary performance analysis
D Jafari, WW Wits, BJ Geurts
Applied thermal engineering 143, 403-414, 2018
Two-and four-way coupled Euler–Lagrangian large-eddy simulation of turbulent particle-laden channel flow
B Vreman, BJ Geurts, NG Deen, JAM Kuipers, JGM Kuerten
Flow, turbulence and combustion 82, 47-71, 2009
Leray and LANS-α modelling of turbulent mixing
BJ Geurts, DD Holm
Journal of turbulence, N10, 2006
Turbulence modification and heat transfer enhancement by inertial particles in turbulent channel flow
JGM Kuerten, CWM Van der Geld, BJ Geurts
Physics of fluids 23 (12), 2011
A computational error-assessment of central finite-volume discretizations in large-eddy simulation using a Smagorinsky model
J Meyers, BJ Geurts, P Sagaut
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (1), 156-173, 2007
Breakdown of large-scale circulation in turbulent rotating convection
RPJ Kunnen, HJH Clercx, BJ Geurts
Europhysics letters 84 (2), 24001, 2008
Numerical and experimental investigation of structure-function scaling in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
RPJ Kunnen, HJH Clercx, BJ Geurts, LJA Van Bokhoven, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (1 …, 2008
A quantification method for numerical dissipation in quasi-DNS and under-resolved DNS, and effects of numerical dissipation in quasi-DNS and under-resolved DNS of turbulent …
EMJ Komen, LH Camilo, A Shams, BJ Geurts, B Koren
Journal of computational physics 345, 565-595, 2017
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