Di Wang
The effects of crowdedness and safety measures on restaurant patronage choices and perceptions in the COVID-19 pandemic
D Wang, J Yao, BAS Martin
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102910, 2021
The influence of consumer anthropomorphism on attitudes towards artificial intelligence trip advisors
BAS Martin, HS Jin, D Wang, H Nguyen, K Zhan, YX Wang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 44, 108-111, 2020
Dark personalities and Bitcoin®: The influence of the Dark Tetrad on cryptocurrency attitude and buying intention
BAS Martin, P Chrysochou, C Strong, D Wang, J Yao
Personality and Individual Differences 188, 111453, 2022
Omnichannel retailing operations with coupon promotions
Z Li, W Yang, HS Jin, D Wang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 58, 102324, 2021
Price, online coupon, and store service effort decisions under different omnichannel retailing models
Z Li, D Wang, W Yang, HS Jin
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 64, 102787, 2022
Cheaper and smaller or more expensive and larger: How consumers respond to unit price increase tactics that simultaneously change product price and package size
J Yao, H Oppewal, D Wang
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48 (6), 1075-1094, 2020
A nudge toward healthier food choices: The influence of health star ratings on consumers’ choices of packaged foods
D Thomas, S Seenivasan, D Wang
European Journal of Marketing 55 (10), 2735-2768, 2021
Gimmicky or Effective? The Effects of Imaginative Displays on Customers’ Purchase Behavior
HT Keh, D Wang, L Yan
Journal of Marketing 85 (5), 109-127, 2021
Do discount presentations influence gift purchase intentions and attitudes of Chinese outbound tourists?
D Wang, BAS Martin, J Yao
Journal of Travel Research 60 (5), 1104-1122, 2021
Anticipated embarrassment due to social presence withholds consumers from purchasing products that feature a lucky charm
D Wang, H Oppewal, D Thomas
European Journal of Marketing 51 (9/10), 1612-1630, 2017
Branding beyond the gender binary
A Cooke, R Russell‐Bennett, D Wang, S Whyte
Psychology & Marketing 39 (8), 1621-1632, 2022
Determining the importance of stopover destination attributes: Integrating stated importance, choice experiment, and eye-tracking measures
S Pike, F Kotsi, H Oppewal, D Wang
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 46 (1), 125-146, 2022
Exploring attitudes and affiliation intentions toward consumers who engage in socially shared superstitious behaviors: a study of students in the east and the west
D Wang, H Oppewal, D Thomas
Psychology & Marketing 31 (3), 203-213, 2014
Short break drive holiday destination attractiveness during COVID-19 border closures
D Wang, F Kotsi, F Mathmann, J Yao, S Pike
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 51, 568-577, 2022
Bias behind closed doors: Chinese consumers' perception of foreign wines
JE Christian, D Wang
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (6), 1318-1333, 2022
Stopover destination loyalty: The influence of perceived ambience and sensation seeking tendency
D Wang, F Kotsi, S Pike, J Yao
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 47, 159-166, 2021
Been there, done that: quasi-experimental evidence about how, why, and for who, a previous visit might increase stopover destination loyalty
S Pike, F Kotsi, F Mathmann, D Wang
Current Issues in Tourism, 1-13, 2020
Making the right stopover destination choice: The effect of assessment orientation on attitudinal stopover destination loyalty
S Pike, F Kotsi, F Mathmann, D Wang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 47, 462-467, 2021
Consumers' promotion focus mitigates the negative effects of chatbots on purchase likelihood
H Khan, P Sararueangpong, F Mathmann, D Wang
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23 (3), 1528-1539, 2024
The differential effects of separated vs. unseparated services: The roles of performance risk and regulatory focus
HT Keh, N Hartley, D Wang
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 29 (1), 93-118, 2019
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