Muhammad Agus Kariem
Muhammad Agus Kariem
Потвърден имейл адрес: office.itb.ac.id
Misalignment effect in the split Hopkinson pressure bar technique
MA Kariem, JH Beynon, D Ruan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 47, 60-70, 2012
Round-Robin test of split Hopkinson pressure bar
MA Kariem, RC Santiago, R Govender, DW Shu, D Ruan, G Nurick, ...
International Journal of Impact Engineering 126, 62-75, 2019
The effect of specimen dimension on the results of the Split-Hopkinson tension bar testing
DA Prabowo, MA Kariem, L Gunawan
Procedia Engineering 173, 608-614, 2017
Reliable materials performance data from impact testing
MA Kariem
Swinburne, 2012
The influence of shear angles on the split Hopkinson shear bar testing
B Budiwantoro, MA Kariem, B Febrinawarta
International Journal of Impact Engineering 149, 103787, 2021
Dynamic shear testing of 2024 T351 aluminium at elevated temperature
NJ Edwards, MA Kariem, RAR Rashid, SJ Cimpoeru, G Lu, D Ruan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 754, 99-111, 2019
Experimental measurements of residual stress in ARMOX 500T and evaluation of the resultant ballistic performance
M Saleh, V Luzin, MA Kariem, K Thorogood, D Ruan
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 6, 78-95, 2020
Mini round-Robin test on the split Hopkinson pressure bar
MA Kariem, D Ruan, JH Beynon, DA Prabowo
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 46 (2), 457-468, 2018
Numerical simulation for bar straightness effect in split hopkinson pressure bar
L Gunawan, MA Kariem, T Dirgantara, IS Putra
Procedia engineering 173, 615-622, 2017
Development of a numerical model for simulations of split hopkinson pressure bar
AJ Afdhal, MA Kariem, L Gunawan
J EngApplSci 11 (10), 6657-6662, 2016
Results Comparison for Hat-shaped, Double-notch and Punch Testing of Split Hopkinson Shear Bar Technique.
B Budiwantoro, I Faizah, DA Prabowo, B Febrinawarta, MA Kariem
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 51 (6), 2019
High strain rate and specialised testing
D Ruan, MA Kariem, IG Crouch
The science of armour materials, 581-637, 2017
High strain rate behaviour at high temperature of AlSi12 parts produced by selective laser melting
P Ponnusamy, SH Masood, D Ruan, S Palanisamy, RA Rashid Rahman, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 377, 012167, 2018
Mechanical properties and microstructure at stainless steel HAZ from dissimilar metal welding after heat treatment processes
RD Ramdan, MA Kariem, O Neswan, F Wiriawan, R Suratman, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 553 (1), 012034, 2019
Towards standardising SHPB testing-A round robin exercise
R Govender, M Kariem, D Ruan, R Santiago, DW Shu, M Alves, G Lu, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 183, 02027, 2018
Stability analysis of rail-conveyor for coals transportation
B Budiwantoro, M Agus Kariem, RR Basia, G Prima
Applied Mechanics and Materials 758, 89-93, 2015
Characteristics of three structural steels at high strain rate
R Setiawan, M Agus Kariem, IP Wardani
Key Engineering Materials 775, 547-553, 2018
Numerical simulation of double specimens in split Hopkinson pressure bar testing
MA Kariem, JH Beynon, D Ruan
Materials Science Forum 654, 2483-2486, 2010
Numerical and experimental study on railway impact energy absorption using tube external inversion mechanism at real scale
IW Puja, A Khairullah, MA Kariem, AH Saputro
Key Engineering Materials 306, 315-320, 2006
Design of Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar Specimen Fixture to Accommodate Punch and Double-Notch Shear Testing.
AD Nugraha, KI Ahmad, MA Kariem
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 54 (4), 2022
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