Foliar uptake and metal (loid) bioaccessibility in vegetables exposed to particulate matter TT Xiong, T Leveque, A Austruy, S Goix, E Schreck, V Dappe, S Sobanska, ... Environmental Geochemistry and Health 36, 897-909, 2014 | 158 | 2014 |
Management of human health risk in the context of kitchen gardens polluted by lead and cadmium near a lead recycling company S Mombo, Y Foucault, F Deola, I Gaillard, S Goix, M Shahid, E Schreck, ... Journal of soils and sediments 16, 1214-1224, 2016 | 131 | 2016 |
Environmental and health impacts of fine and ultrafine metallic particles: assessment of threat scores S Goix, T Lévêque, TT Xiong, E Schreck, A Baeza-Squiban, F Geret, ... Environmental research 133, 185-194, 2014 | 115 | 2014 |
Metal concentration and bioaccessibility in different particle sizes of dust and aerosols to refine metal exposure assessment S Goix, G Uzu, P Oliva, F Barraza, A Calas, S Castet, D Point, J Masbou, ... Journal of hazardous materials 317, 552-562, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Quantifying the impacts of artisanal gold mining on a tropical river system using mercury isotopes S Goix, L Maurice, L Laffont, R Rinaldo, C Lagane, J Chmeleff, J Menges, ... Chemosphere 219, 684-694, 2019 | 71 | 2019 |
Influence of source distribution and geochemical composition of aerosols on children exposure in the large polymetallic mining region of the Bolivian Altiplano S Goix, D Point, P Oliva, M Polve, JL Duprey, H Mazurek, L Guislain, ... Science of the total environment 412, 170-184, 2011 | 66 | 2011 |
Use of ecotoxicity test and ecoscores to improve the management of polluted soils: case of a secondary lead smelter plant Y Foucault, MJ Durand, K Tack, E Schreck, F Geret, T Leveque, P Pradere, ... Journal of Hazardous Materials 246, 291-299, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
Transplantation of epiphytic bioaccumulators (Tillandsia capillaris) for high spatial resolution biomonitoring of trace elements and point sources deconvolution in a complex … S Goix, E Resongles, D Point, P Oliva, JL Duprey, E de La Galvez, ... Atmospheric Environment 80, 330-341, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Field isotopic study of lead fate and compartmentalization in earthworm–soil–metal particle systems for highly polluted soil near Pb recycling factory S Goix, S Mombo, E Schreck, A Pierart, T Lévêque, F Deola, C Dumat Chemosphere 138, 10-17, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Using Bayesian networks for environmental health risk assessment S Pérez, C German-Labaume, S Mathiot, S Goix, P Chamaret Environmental Research 204, 112059, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Is Tillandsia capillaris an efficient bioindicator of atmospheric metal and metalloid deposition? Insights from five months of monitoring in an urban mining area E Schreck, G Sarret, P Oliva, A Calas, S Sobanska, S Guédron, F Barraza, ... Ecological indicators 67, 227-237, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Synergistic effects of mining and urban effluents on the level and distribution of methylmercury in a shallow aquatic ecosystem of the Bolivian Altiplano L Alanoca, S Guédron, D Amouroux, S Audry, M Monperrus, E Tessier, ... Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 18 (12), 1550-1560, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Environmental and dietary exposures near a major industrial harbour (Fos-sur-Mer, France) identified as a significant pathway for PCBs and PCDD/Fs accumulation in residents … M Jeanjean, S Goix, M Periot, K Douib, J Dron, MP Etienne, P Marchand, ... Exposure and Health 13 (3), 447-464, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Etude INDEX: Etude d’imprégnation de la population aux polluants atmosphériques de la zone industrialo-portuaire de Fos-sur-Mer S Goix, M Periot, K Douib Rapport d’étude, Institut Ecocitoyen pour la Connaissance des Pollutions, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Hg concentrations and stable isotope variations in tropical fish species of a gold-mining-impacted watershed in French Guiana L Laffont, J Menges, S Goix, S Gentès, R Maury-Brachet, JE Sonke, ... Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (43), 60609-60621, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Étude INDEX S Goix, M Periot, K Douib Étude d’imprégnation de la population aux polluants atmosphériques de la …, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Origine et impact des pollutions liées aux activités minières sur l'environnement (eau-sol-atmosphère) et la santé, cas de Oruro (Bolivie) S Goix Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2012 | 8* | 2012 |
Lancement de l’étude de biosurveillance des populations exposées aux émissions atmosphériques à proximité de la zone industrialo-portuaire de Fos-sur-Mer (INDEX) S Goix, J Dron, A Raucau, P Chamaret Pollution atmosphérique 233, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Influence of environmental and dietary exposures on metals accumulation among the residents of a major industrial harbour (Fos-sur-Mer, France) M Jeanjean, S Goix, J Dron, M Periot, A Austruy, K Douib, R Persoons, ... Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 73, 127021, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Les déterminants individuels de l’exposition humaine au plomb. Une analyse de la cohorte ToxBol, Oruro, Bolivie E Cadot, M Ruiz-Castel, F Barbieri, P Paco, S Goix, J Gardon Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 61, S111-S112, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |