IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational–vibrational spectra of water vapor, Part III: Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for H216O J Tennyson, PF Bernath, LR Brown, A Campargue, AG Császár, ...
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer 117, 29-58, 2013
290 2013 The fourth age of quantum chemistry: molecules in motion AG Csaszar, C Fabri, T Szidarovszky, E Matyus, T Furtenbacher, G Czako
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (3), 1085-1106, 2012
255 2012 Rotating full-and reduced-dimensional quantum chemical models of molecules C Fábri, E Mátyus, AG Császár
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (7), 2011
137 2011 Assigning quantum labels to variationally computed rotational-vibrational eigenstates of polyatomic molecules E Mátyus, C Fábri, T Szidarovszky, G Czakó, WD Allen, AG Császár
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (3), 2010
81 2010 Analysis of the Rotational–Vibrational States of the Molecular Ion H3 + T Furtenbacher, T Szidarovszky, E Mátyus, C Fábri, AG Császár
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 9 (12), 5471-5478, 2013
76 2013 Variational quantum mechanical and active database approaches to the rotational-vibrational spectroscopy of ketene, H2CCO C Fábri, E Mátyus, T Furtenbacher, L Nemes, B Mihály, T Zoltáni, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (9), 2011
72 2011 Numerically constructed internal-coordinate Hamiltonian with Eckart embedding and its application for the inversion tunneling of ammonia C Fábri, E Mátyus, AG Császár
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 119, 84-89, 2014
65 2014 Gas-phase and Ar-matrix SQM scaling factors for various DFT functionals with basis sets including polarization and diffuse functions C Fábri, T Szidarovszky, G Magyarfalvi, G Tarczay
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (18), 4640-4649, 2011
57 2011 MARVEL analysis of the rotational–vibrational states of the molecular ions H 2 D+ and D 2 H+ T Furtenbacher, T Szidarovszky, C Fábri, AG Császár
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (25), 10181-10193, 2013
50 2013 On the use of nonrigid-molecular symmetry in nuclear motion computations employing a discrete variable representation: A case study of the bending energy levels of CH 5+ C Fábri, M Quack, AG Császár
The Journal of chemical physics 147 (13), 2017
48 2017 Controlling tunneling in ammonia isotopomers C Fábri, R Marquardt, AG Császár, M Quack
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (1), 2019
42 2019 Communication: Rigidity of the molecular ion H5+ C Fábri, J Sarka, AG Császár
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (5), 2014
41 2014 Born–Oppenheimer approximation in optical cavities: from success to breakdown C Fábri, GJ Halász, LS Cederbaum, Á Vibók
Chemical Science 12 (4), 1251-1258, 2021
40 2021 Tunneling and parity violation in trisulfane (HSSSH): an almost ideal molecule for detecting parity violation in chiral molecules C Fábri, Ľ Horný, M Quack
ChemPhysChem 16 (17), 3584-3589, 2015
37 2015 The role of axis embedding on rigid rotor decomposition analysis of variational rovibrational wave functions T Szidarovszky, C Fábri, AG Császár
The Journal of chemical physics 136 (17), 2012
34 2012 Liquid–vapor interface of formic acid solutions in salt water: a comparison of macroscopic surface tension and microscopic in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements JG Pruyne, MT Lee, C Fábri, A Beloqui Redondo, A Kleibert, M Ammann, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (50), 29350-29360, 2014
31 2014 High resolution GHz and THz (FTIR) spectroscopy and theory of parity violation and tunneling for 1, 2-dithiine (C 4 H 4 S 2) as a candidate for measuring the parity violating … S Albert, I Bolotova, Z Chen, C Fábri, M Quack, G Seyfang, D Zindel
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (31), 21976-21993, 2016
25 2016 Synchrotron-Based Highest Resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy of the ν24 Band System of 1,2-Dithiine (C4 H4 S2 ): A Candidate for Measuring the Parity Violating … S Albert, F Arn, I Bolotova, Z Chen, C Fábri, G Grassi, P Lerch, M Quack, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (19), 3847-3853, 2016
24 2016 High-resolution FTIR spectroscopy of trisulfane HSSSH: a candidate for detecting parity violation in chiral molecules S Albert, I Bolotova, Z Chen, C Fábri, M Quack, G Seyfang, D Zindel
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (19), 11738-11743, 2017
23 2017 Modelling rotations, vibrations, and rovibrational couplings in astructural molecules – a case study based on the H+ 5 molecular ion J Sarka, C Fábri, T Szidarovszky, AG Császár, Z Lin, AB McCoy
Molecular Physics 113 (13-14), 1873-1883, 2015
22 2015