Gerold Hoelzl
The opportunity framework and data processing ecosystem for opportunistic activity and context recognition
M Kurz, G Holzl, A Ferscha, A Calatroni, D Roggen, G Troster, H Sagha, ...
International Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and Control 1 (2 …, 2011
Real-time transfer and evaluation of activity recognition capabilities in an opportunistic system
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Ferscha, A Calatroni, D Roggen, G Tröster
machine learning 1 (7), 8, 2011
GuideCopter-A precise drone-based haptic guidance interface for blind or visually impaired people
F Huppert, G Hoelzl, M Kranz
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Are you cool enough for texas hold'em poker?
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Riener, B Anzengruber, T Schmittner, A Ferscha
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 1145-1149, 2012
Goal processing and semantic matchmaking in opportunistic activity and context recognition systems
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, A Ferscha
ICAS 2013, 42, 2013
Goal oriented smart watches for cyber physical superorganisms
G Hoelzl, A Ferscha, P Halbmayer, W Pereira
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
Goal oriented recognition of composed activities for reliable and adaptable intelligence systems
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, A Ferscha
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 5, 357-367, 2014
Dynamic quantification of activity recognition capabilities in opportunistic systems
M Kurz, G Holzl, A Ferscha, H Sagha, JR Millán, R Chavarriaga
2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2011
Goal oriented opportunistic recognition of high-level composed activities using dynamically configured hidden markov models
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, A Ferscha
Procedia Computer Science 10, 308-315, 2012
On the utilization of smart gadgets for energy aware sensitive behavior
G Hoelzl, P Halbmayer, H Rogner, C Xue, A Ferscha
The 8th International Conference on Digital Society, ICDS, 23-27, 2014
A dynamic service module oriented framework for real-world situation representation
P Halbmayer, G Hoelzl, A Ferscha
The 6th International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and …, 2014
Locomotion@ location: When the rubber hits the road
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, P Halbmayer, J Erhart, M Matscheko, A Ferscha, S Eisel, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Autonomic computing, 73-78, 2012
Rendering 3D virtual objects in mid-air using controlled magnetic fields
A Adel, M Abou Seif, G Hölzl, M Kranz, S Abdennadher, ISM Khalil
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017
Activity recognition in opportunistic sensor environments
D Roggen, A Calatroni, K Förster, G Tröster, P Lukowicz, D Bannach, ...
Procedia Computer Science 7, 173-174, 2011
A personalised body motion sensitive training system based on auditive feedback
G Hoelzl
International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services, 12-25, 2009
Dynamic adaptation of opportunistic sensor configurations for continuous and accurate activity recognition
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Ferscha
Fourth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and …, 2012
Size does matter-positioning on the wrist a comparative study: Smartwatch vs. smartphone
G Hoelzl, M Kranz, A Schmid, P Halbmayer, A Ferscha
2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2017
Do you feel like flying? A study of flying perception in virtual reality for future game development
S Mashal, M Kranz, G Hoelzl
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 40 (4), 51-61, 2020
Biofeedback in the wild-a smartwatch approach
N Pilgram, A Mohamed, M Kranz, G Hoelzl
2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2018
Design and development of an electromagnetic-based haptic interface
A Adel, M Abou Seif, G Hölzl, M Kranz, S Abdennadher, ISM Khalil
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2017
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