Eulanda Santos
Eulanda Santos
Professor of Computer Science, Federal University of Amazonas
Потвърден имейл адрес: icomp.ufam.edu.br
A dynamic overproduce-and-choose strategy for the selection of classifier ensembles
EM Dos Santos, R Sabourin, P Maupin
Pattern recognition 41 (10), 2993-3009, 2008
An overview of unsupervised drift detection methods
RN Gemaque, AFJ Costa, R Giusti, EM Dos Santos
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 10 (6 …, 2020
Overfitting cautious selection of classifier ensembles with genetic algorithms
EM Dos Santos, R Sabourin, P Maupin
Information Fusion 10 (2), 150-162, 2009
Automatic classification of cross-site scripting in web pages using document-based and URL-based features
AE Nunan, E Souto, EM Dos Santos, E Feitosa
2012 IEEE symposium on computers and communications (ISCC), 000702-000707, 2012
A drift detection method based on dynamic classifier selection
F Pinagé, EM dos Santos, J Gama
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 34 (1), 50-74, 2020
Single and multi-objective genetic algorithms for the selection of ensemble of classifiers
EM Dos Santos, R Sabourin, P Maupin
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings …, 2006
A drift detection method based on active learning
AFJ Costa, RAS Albuquerque, EM Dos Santos
2018 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
Nudity detection based on image zoning
C Santos, EM dos Santos, E Souto
2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing …, 2012
Teoria e aplicação de support vector machines à aprendizagem e reconhecimento de objetos baseado na aparência.
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2002
Feature subset selection for automatically classifying anuran calls using sensor networks
JG Colonna, AD Ribas, EM dos Santos, EF Nakamura
The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2012
Applying self-supervised representation learning for emotion recognition using physiological signals
KG Montero Quispe, DMS Utyiama, EM Dos Santos, HABF Oliveira, ...
Sensors 22 (23), 9102, 2022
Tensor analysis with n-mode generalized difference subspace
BB Gatto, EM dos Santos, AL Koerich, K Fukui, WSS Junior
Expert Systems with Applications 171, 114559, 2021
Pareto analysis for the selection of classifier ensembles
EM Dos Santos, R Sabourin, P Maupin
Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2008
Mutual singular spectrum analysis for bioacoustics classification
BB Gatto, JG Colonna, EM dos Santos, EF Nakamura
2017 IEEE 27th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2017
Aprendizagem de máquina para segurança em redes de computadores: Métodos e aplicações
M Henke, C Santos, E Nunan, E Feitosa, E dos Santos, E Souto
Minicursos do XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de …, 2011
Ambiguity-guided dynamic selection of ensemble of classifiers
EM Dos Santos, R Sabourin, P Maupin
2007 10th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1-8, 2007
Filtering empty camera trap images in embedded systems
F Cunha, EM dos Santos, R Barreto, JG Colonna
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Detecting hate speech in memes: a review
PCQ Hermida, EM Santos
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (11), 12833-12851, 2023
Discriminative canonical correlation analysis network for image classification
BB Gatto, EM dos Santos
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4487-4491, 2017
A semi-supervised convolutional neural network based on subspace representation for image classification
BB Gatto, LS Souza, EM dos Santos, K Fukui, WS S. Júnior, ...
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2020, 1-21, 2020
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