Ujwal Gadiraju
Bias in data‐driven artificial intelligence systems—An introductory survey
E Ntoutsi, P Fafalios, U Gadiraju, V Iosifidis, W Nejdl, ME Vidal, S Ruggieri, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 10 (3 …, 2020
Understanding Malicious Behavior in Crowdsourcing Platforms: The Case of Online Surveys
U Gadiraju, R Kawase, S Dietze, G Demartini
CHI 2015. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in …, 2015
A taxonomy of microtasks on the web
U Gadiraju, R Kawase, S Dietze
HT 2014. Proceedings of the 25th ACM conference on Hypertext and social …, 2014
Understanding and Mitigating Worker Biases in the Crowdsourced Collection of Subjective Judgments
C Hube, B Fetahu, U Gadiraju
CHI 2019. Proceedings of the 2019 {CHI} Conference on Human Factors in …, 2019
🏆 Clarity is a Worthwhile Quality: On the Role of Task Clarity in Microtask Crowdsourcing
U Gadiraju, J Yang, A Bozzon
HT 2017. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social …, 2017
Analyzing knowledge gain of users in informational search sessions on the web
U Gadiraju, R Yu, S Dietze, P Holtz
CHIIR 2018. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information …, 2018
Predicting user knowledge gain in informational search sessions
R Yu, U Gadiraju, P Holtz, M Rokicki, P Kemkes, S Dietze
SIGIR 2018. The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research …, 2018
Groundhog day: near-duplicate detection on twitter
K Tao, F Abel, C Hauff, GJ Houben, U Gadiraju
WWW 2013. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web …, 2013
🏆A Checklist to Combat Cognitive Biases in Crowdsourcing
T Draws, A Rieger, O Inel, U Gadiraju, N Tintarev
HCOMP 2021. In Proceedings of the 9th AAAI Conference on Human Computation …, 2021
Improving Worker Engagement Through Conversational Microtask Crowdsourcing
S Qiu, U Gadiraju, A Bozzon
CHI 2020. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2020
Dissonance Between Human and Machine Understanding
Z Zhang, J Singh, U Gadiraju, A Anand
CSCW 2019. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3, CSCW 3 (56), 23, 2019
Training workers for improving performance in crowdsourcing microtasks
U Gadiraju, B Fetahu, R Kawase
ECTEL 2015. Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, 100-114, 2015
All those wasted hours: On task abandonment in crowdsourcing
L Han, K Roitero, U Gadiraju, C Sarasua, A Checco, E Maddalena, ...
WSDM 2019. Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web …, 2019
Second Chance for a First Impression? Trust Development in Intelligent System Interaction
S Tolmeijer, U Gadiraju, R Ghantasala, A Gupta, A Bernstein
UMAP 2021. Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling …, 2021
Using worker self-assessments for competence-based pre-selection in crowdsourcing microtasks
U Gadiraju, B Fetahu, R Kawase, P Siehndel, S Dietze
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 24 (4), 1-26, 2017
Modus operandi of crowd workers: The invisible role of microtask work environments
U Gadiraju, A Checco, N Gupta, G Demartini
UBICOMP 2017. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and …, 2017
Crowdsourcing versus the laboratory: towards human-centered experiments using the crowd
U Gadiraju, S Möller, M Nöllenburg, D Saupe, S Egger-Lampl, ...
Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments …, 2017
Human beyond the machine: Challenges and opportunities of microtask crowdsourcing
U Gadiraju, G Demartini, R Kawase, S Dietze
IEEE Intelligent Systems 30 (4), 81-85, 2015
Knowing About Knowing: An Illusion of Human Competence Can Hinder Appropriate Reliance on AI Systems
G He, L Kuiper, U Gadiraju
CHI 2023. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2023
Note the Highlight: Incorporating Active Reading Tools in a Search as Learning Environment
N Roy, MV Torre, U Gadiraju, D Maxwell, C Hauff
CHIIR 2021. Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information …, 2021
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