Joachim Hüffmeier
Joachim Hüffmeier
Full Professor for Social, Work, and Organizational Psychology, TU Dortmund University
Потвърден имейл адрес: tu-dortmund.de
Leadership, followers' mental health and job performance in organizations: A comprehensive meta‐analysis from an occupational health perspective
D Montano, A Reeske, F Franke, J Hüffmeier
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (3), 327-350, 2017
Does trust matter more in virtual teams? A meta-analysis of trust and team effectiveness considering virtuality and documentation as moderators.
C Breuer, J Hüffmeier, G Hertel
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (8), 1151, 2016
A meta-analysis on gender differences in negotiation outcomes and their moderators.
J Mazei, J Hüffmeier, PA Freund, AF Stuhlmacher, L Bilke, G Hertel
Psychological bulletin 141 (1), 85, 2015
Ready to be a silver surfer? A meta-analysis on the relationship between chronological age and technology acceptance
N Hauk, J Hüffmeier, S Krumm
Computers in Human Behavior 84, 304-319, 2018
Trust in teams: A taxonomy of perceived trustworthiness factors and risk-taking behaviors in face-to-face and virtual teams
C Breuer, J Hüffmeier, F Hibben, G Hertel
human relations 73 (1), 3-34, 2020
Perspective taking as a means to overcome motivational barriers in negotiations: When putting oneself into the opponent's shoes helps to walk toward agreements.
R Trötschel, J Hüffmeier, DD Loschelder, K Schwartz, PM Gollwitzer
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (4), 771, 2011
Reconceptualizing replication as a sequence of different studies: A replication typology
J Hüffmeier, J Mazei, T Schultze
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 66, 81-92, 2016
Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results.
JF Landy, ML Jia, IL Ding, D Viganola, W Tierney, A Dreber, ...
Psychological Bulletin, 2020
Job satisfaction and mental health of temporary agency workers in Europe: a systematic review and research agenda
L Hünefeld, S Gerstenberg, J Hüffmeier
Work & Stress 34 (1), 82-110, 2020
How “situational” is judgment in situational judgment tests?
S Krumm, F Lievens, J Hüffmeier, AA Lipnevich, H Bendels, G Hertel
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (2), 399, 2015
Being tough or being nice? A meta-analysis on the impact of hard-and softline strategies in distributive negotiations
J Hüffmeier, PA Freund, A Zerres, K Backhaus, G Hertel
Journal of Management 40 (3), 866-892, 2014
When the whole is more than the sum of its parts: Group motivation gains in the wild
J Hüffmeier, G Hertel
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (2), 455-459, 2011
Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data-collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability
CR Ebersole, MB Mathur, E Baranski, DJ Bart-Plange, NR Buttrick, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (3), 309-331, 2020
Contrasting chronic with episodic depression: an analysis of distorted socio-emotional information processing in chronic depression
A van Randenborgh, J Hüffmeier, D Victor, K Klocke, J Borlinghaus, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 141 (2-3), 177-184, 2012
Many cheers make light the work: How social support triggers process gains in teams
J Hüffmeier, G Hertel
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2011
Letting go of unmet goals: Does self-focused rumination impair goal disengagement?
A van Randenborgh, J Hüffmeier, J LeMoult, J Joormann
Motivation and emotion 34 (4), 325-332, 2010
Decision making in depression: differences in decisional conflict between healthy and depressed individuals
A van Randenborgh, R de Jong‐Meyer, J Hüffmeier
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 17 (4), 285-298, 2010
Strong or weak synergy? Revising the assumption of team-related advantages in integrative negotiations
J Hüffmeier, A Zerres, PA Freund, K Backhaus, R Trötschel, G Hertel
Journal of Management 45 (7), 2721-2750, 2019
Does it take two to tango? Longitudinal effects of unilateral and bilateral integrative negotiation training.
A Zerres, J Hüffmeier, PA Freund, K Backhaus, G Hertel
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (3), 478, 2013
“Don't let the group down”: Facets of instrumentality moderate the motivating effects of groups in a field experiment
J Hüffmeier, S Krumm, J Kanthak, G Hertel
European Journal of Social Psychology 42 (5), 533-538, 2012
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