Jonas Lynge Olesen
Jonas Lynge Olesen
CFIN and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Потвърден имейл адрес: phys.au.dk
Diffusion time dependence of microstructural parameters in fixed spinal cord
SN Jespersen, JL Olesen, B Hansen, N Shemesh
Neuroimage 182, 329-342, 2018
Evaluation of principal component analysis image denoising on multi‐exponential MRI relaxometry
MD Does, JL Olesen, KD Harkins, T Serradas‐Duarte, DF Gochberg, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 81 (6), 3503-3514, 2019
Diffusion time dependence, power-law scaling, and exchange in gray matter
JL Olesen, L Østergaard, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
NeuroImage, 118976, 2022
Effects of nongaussian diffusion on “isotropic diffusion” measurements: An ex-vivo microimaging and simulation study
SN Jespersen, JL Olesen, A Ianuş, N Shemesh
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 300, 84-94, 2019
Bovine Milk Oligosaccharides with Sialyllactose Improves Cognition in Preterm Pigs
K Obelitz-Ryom, SB Bering, SH Overgaard, SF Eskildsen, S Ringgaard, ...
Nutrients 11 (6), 1335, 2019
Tensor denoising of multidimensional MRI data
JL Olesen, A Ianus, L Østergaard, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 89 (3), 1160-1172, 2023
MP-PCA denoising of fMRI time-series data can lead to artificial activation “spreading”
FF Fernandes, JL Olesen, SN Jespersen, N Shemesh
NeuroImage 273, 120118, 2023
Beyond the diffusion standard model in fixed rat spinal cord with combined linear and planar encoding
JL Olesen, L Østergaard, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
NeuroImage 231, 117849, 2021
Revealing diffusion time-dependence and exchange effect in the in vivo human brain gray matter by using high gradient diffusion MRI
HH Lee, J Olesen, Q Tian, RL Gabriel, DS Jespersen, S Huang
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2, 2022
A user independent denoising method for x‐nuclei MRI and MRS
NV Christensen, M Vaeggemose, N Bøgh, ESS Hansen, JL Olesen, Y Kim, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 90 (6), 2539-2556, 2023
Stick power law scaling in neurons withstands realistic curvature and branching
JL Olesen, SN Jespersen
Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, 2020
Time dependence at ultra-high diffusion weighting reveals fast compartmental exchange in rat cortex in vivo
JL Olesen, A Ianus, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 30, 1426, 2022
Longitudinal, Multiparametric MRI Assessment of repetitive mild TBI in rats
AR Khan, B Hansen, NK Iversen, JL Olesen, M Angoa-Perez, DM Kuhn, ...
bioRxiv, 666024, 2019
Power-law scaling of the diffusion signal in gray matter and the influence of exchange
JL Olesen, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med, 639, 2021
Beyond the Standard Model in Spinal Cord
JL Olesen, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
ISMRM, 2019
Propagation of Bias in Moment-Matching Based Standard Model Parameter Estimation
JL Olesen, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
ISMRM, 2019
Non-invasive assessment of glycolytic and oxidative metabolism in mouse glioma using DGE 2H-MRS
RV Simoes, RN Henriques, BM Cardoso, FF Fernandes, JL Olesen, ...
Dynamic assessment of early metabolic perturbations in glioma-bearing mice using denoised 2H-MRS
RV Simoes, J Istúriz, JL Olesen, SN Jespersen, N Shemesh
Enhanced conventional and ultrafast responses in preclinical functional MRI using MP-PCA denoising
FF Fernandes, R Gil, JL Olesen, SN Jespersen, N Shemesh
Improved MP-PCA denoising through tensor generalization
JL Olesen, A Ianus, N Shemesh, SN Jespersen
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