N. Slack
N. Slack
Потвърден имейл адрес: usp.ac.fj
The effect of supermarket service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and disloyalty dimensions
N Slack, G Singh, S Sharma
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 12 (3), 297-318, 2020
The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty and the mediating role of customer satisfaction: Supermarkets in Fiji
NJ Slack, G Singh
The TQM Journal 32 (3), 543-558, 2020
Influence of fast-food restaurant service quality and its dimensions on customer perceived value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions
NJ Slack, G Singh, J Ali, R Lata, K Mudaliar, Y Swamy
British Food Journal 123 (4), 1324-1344, 2021
Impact of perceived value on the satisfaction of supermarket customers: developing country perspective
N Slack, G Singh, S Sharma
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48 (11), 1235-1254, 2020
Antecedents involved in developing fast-food restaurant customer loyalty
G Singh, N Slack, S Sharma, K Mudaliar, S Narayan, R Kaur, KU Sharma
The TQM Journal 33 (8), 1753-1769, 2021
Servant leadership in the public sector: Employee perspective
NJ Slack, G Singh, J Narayan, S Sharma
Public Organization Review 20 (4), 631-646, 2020
Antecedents and consequences of fast-food restaurant customers' perception of price fairness
G Singh, NJ Slack, S Sharma, AS Aiyub, A Ferraris
British Food Journal 124 (8), 2591-2609, 2022
New public management and customer perceptions of service quality–a mixed-methods study
G Singh, NJ Slack
International Journal of Public Administration 45 (3), 242-256, 2022
Diagnosis of organizational culture in public sector undertakings undergoing reforms
NJ Slack, G Singh
Public Organization Review 18, 361-380, 2018
The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty and the mediating role of customer satisfaction: Supermarkets in Fiji. TQM Journal, 32 (3), 543–558
NJ Slack, G Singh
TQM-07-2019-0187, 2020
Factors forming consumer willingness to pay a premium for free-range eggs
NJ Slack, S Sharma, J Cúg, G Singh
British Food Journal 125 (7), 2439-2459, 2022
From brick and mortar to click and order: consumers' online food delivery service perceptions post-pandemic
S Sharma, K Devi, S Naidu, T Greig, G Singh, N Slack
British Food Journal 125 (11), 4143-4162, 2023
Job satisfaction of employees undergoing public sector reform in Fiji
G Singh, NJ Slack
Theoretical Economics Letters 6 (2), 313-323, 2016
Antecedents involved in developing fast-food restaurant customer loyalty. The TQM Journal, 33 (8), 1753–1769
G Singh, N Slack, S Sharma, K Mudaliar, S Narayan, R Kaur, KU Sharma
Stockpiling intentions and customer well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic
Singh, Slack, Sharma, Dhir
The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2023
Exploring gamers' crowdsourcing engagement in Pokémon Go communities
S Sharma, N Slack, K Devi, T Greig, S Naidu
The TQM Journal, 2021
holsat evaluation of international tourist’s expectations and experiences of Fiji as a holiday destination
NJ Slack
Theoretical Economics Letters 9 (07), 2418, 2019
Merit-Based Pay in the Public Sector: Unwillingness to Abandon the Concept
S Singh, Slack
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 1-7, 2021
An insight into public sector readiness for change–the Fiji experience
NJ Slack, G Singh
Journal of Pacific Studies 36 (2), 41-66, 2016
Public sector reforms and service quality issues from the perspective of the small island developing states in the Pacific: a case of Fiji
NJ Slack, G Singh
International Journal of Public Administration 38 (10), 712-723, 2015
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