Oscar Martín Martín
Oscar Martín Martín
Потвърден имейл адрес: unavarra.es
Speed of internationalization: Conceptualization, measurement and validation
S Chetty, M Johanson, OM Martín
Journal of World Business 49 (4), 633-650, 2014
Toward a model of the relationship between internationalization and export performance
N Papadopoulos, OM Martín
International Business Review 19 (4), 388-406, 2010
International market selection and segmentation: perspectives and challenges
N Papadopoulos, O Martín Martín
International marketing review 28 (2), 132-149, 2011
Internal embeddedness, headquarters involvement, and innovation importance in multinational enterprises
F Ciabuschi, H Dellestrand, O Martín Martín
Journal of Management Studies 48 (7), 1612-1639, 2011
Dual embeddedness, influence and performance of innovating subsidiaries in the multinational corporation
F Ciabuschi, U Holm, OM Martín
International Business Review 23 (5), 897-909, 2014
International market selection and segmentation: A two‐stage model
C Gaston‐Breton, O Martín Martín
International Marketing Review 28 (3), 267-290, 2011
Rationality vs ignorance: The role of MNE headquarters in subsidiaries’ innovation processes
F Ciabuschi, M Forsgren, OM Martín
Journal of International Business Studies 42, 958-970, 2011
Headquarters involvement and efficiency of innovation development and transfer in multinationals: A matter of sheer ignorance?
F Ciabuschi, M Forsgren, OM Martin
International Business Review 21 (2), 130-144, 2012
Knowledge and internationalization of returnee entrepreneurial firms
W Bai, M Johanson, OM Martín
International Business Review 26 (4), 652-665, 2017
Relevant dimensions and contextual weights of distance in international business decisions: Evidence from Spanish and Chinese outward FDI
R Drogendijk, OM Martín
International Business Review 24 (1), 133-147, 2015
Opportunity discovery and creation as a duality: evidence from small firms’ foreign market entries
S Chetty, M Karami, OM Martín
Journal of International Marketing 26 (3), 70-93, 2018
The incremental expansion of Born Internationals: A comparison of new and old Born Internationals
M Johanson, OM Martín
International Business Review 24 (3), 476-496, 2015
Towards an integrative framework of brand country of origin recognition determinants: A cross‐classified hierarchical model
O Martin Martin, J Cerviño
International Marketing Review 28 (6), 530-558, 2011
Headquarters’ influence on knowledge transfer performance
F Ciabuschi, O Martín Martín, B Ståhl
Management International Review 50, 471-491, 2010
Expatriate managers' relationships and reverse knowledge transfer within emerging market MNCs: The mediating role of subsidiary willingness
L Kong, F Ciabuschi, OM Martín
Journal of Business Research 93, 216-229, 2018
Foreign market entry knowledge and international performance: The mediating role of international market selection and network capability
OM Martín, S Chetty, W Bai
Journal of World Business 57 (2), 101266, 2022
Country distance (COD): Development and Validation of a new objective measure
O Martín Martín, R Drogendijk
Journal of Small Business Management 52 (1), 102-125, 2014
Value creation at the subsidiary level: testing the MNC headquarters parenting advantage logic
F Ciabuschi, M Forsgren, OM Martín
Long Range Planning 50 (1), 48-62, 2017
Knowledge ambiguity, innovation and subsidiary performance
F Ciabuschi, O Martin Martin
Baltic Journal of Management 7 (2), 143-166, 2012
Dual business relationships, opportunity knowledge, and new product development: a study on returnee young ventures
W Bai, M Johanson, O Martín Martín
Journal of International Marketing 27 (3), 26-42, 2019
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