Egbert A. Lantinga
Egbert A. Lantinga
Retired Associate Professor, Wageningen University
Потвърден имейл адрес: wur.nl
A flexible sigmoid function of determinate growth
X Yin, JAN Goudriaan, EA Lantinga, JAN Vos, HJ Spiertz
Annals of botany 91 (3), 361-371, 2003
Multiphasic analysis of gas production kinetics for in vitro fermentation of ruminant feeds
JCJ Groot, JW Cone, BA Williams, FMA Debersaques, EA Lantinga
Animal Feed Science and Technology 64 (1), 77-89, 1996
Estimating soil organic carbon through loss on ignition: effects of ignition conditions and structural water loss
MJJ Hoogsteen, EA Lantinga, EJ Bakker, JCJ Groot, PA Tittonell
European Journal of soil science 66 (2), 320-328, 2015
Effects of cattle dung from farms with different feeding strategies on germination and initial root growth of cress (Lepidium sativum L.)
NJ Hoekstra, T Bosker, EA Lantinga
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 93 (1-3), 189-196, 2002
Distribution of excreted nitrogen by grazing cattle and its effects on sward quality, herbage production and utilization
EA Lantinga, JA Keuning, J Groenwold, P Deenen
Animal Manure on Grassland and Fodder Crops. Fertilizer or Waste …, 1987
Some quantitative relationships between leaf area index and canopy nitrogen content and distribution
X Yin, EA LANTINGA, ADHCM Schapendonk, X Zhong
Annals of botany 91 (7), 893-903, 2003
Pathways to improving the N efficiency of grazing bovines
NJ Hoekstra, RPO Schulte, PC Struik, EA Lantinga
European journal of agronomy 26 (4), 363-374, 2007
Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics in the case of Escherichia coli diarrhoea in neonatal piglets
I Camerlink, L Ellinger, EJ Bakker, EA Lantinga
Homeopathy 99 (01), 57-62, 2010
Modelling and measuring vertical light absorption within grass–clover mixtures
EA Lantinga, M Nassiri, MJ Kropff
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 96 (1-3), 71-83, 1999
Mixed farming systems as a way towards a more efficient use of nitrogen in European Union agriculture
GJM Oomen, EA Lantinga, EA Goewie, KW Van der Hoek
Environmental Pollution 102 (1), 697-704, 1998
Herbage intake and use of outdoor area by organic broilers: effects of vegetation type and shelter addition
MG Rivera-Ferre, EA Lantinga, RP Kwakkel
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 54 (3), 279-291, 2007
Evolution of farm management, nitrogen efficiency and economic performance on Dutch dairy farms reducing external inputs
JCJ Groot, WAH Rossing, EA Lantinga
Livestock Science 100 (2-3), 99-110, 2006
Nitrogen fertilizer replacement value of cattle slurry in grassland as affected by method and timing of application
STJ Lalor, JJ Schröder, EA Lantinga, O Oenema, L Kirwan, RPO Schulte
Journal of environmental quality 40 (2), 362-373, 2011
Tillering potential and relationship between leaf and tiller production in perennial ryegrass
JH Neuteboom, EA Lantinga
Annals of botany 63 (2), 265-270, 1989
Effects of different diets on utilization of nitrogen from cattle slurry applied to grassland on a sandy soil in The Netherlands
JW Reijs, MPW Sonneveld, P Sørensen, RLM Schils, JCJ Groot, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 118 (1-4), 65-79, 2007
Agro-ecological indicators (AEIs) for dairy and mixed farming systems classification: identifying alternatives for the Cuban livestock sector
FR Funes-Monzote, M Monzote, EA Lantinga, CJF Ter Braak, JE Sánchez, ...
Journal of Sustainable agriculture 33 (4), 435-460, 2009
Productivity of grasslands under continuous and rotational grazing
EA Lantinga
PQDT-Global, 1985
Land use as a driver of soil fertility and biodiversity across an agricultural landscape in the Central Peruvian Andes
AW De Valença, SJ Vanek, K Meza, R Ccanto, E Olivera, M Scurrah, ...
Ecological Applications 27 (4), 1138-1154, 2017
An evaluation of the loss-on-ignition method for determining the soil organic matter content of calcareous soils
MJJ Hoogsteen, EA Lantinga, EJ Bakker, PA Tittonell
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 49 (13), 1541-1552, 2018
Conversion of specialised dairy farming systems into sustainable mixed farming systems in Cuba
FR Funes-Monzote, M Monzote, EA Lantinga, H Van Keulen
Environment, development and sustainability 11, 765-783, 2009
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