Mohammad R. Rawashdeh
Mohammad R. Rawashdeh
Associate Professor, Telecommunications Engineering Department, Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering
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Full‐wave analysis of azimuthally magnetized ferrite‐loaded circular structures using the one‐dimensional finite difference frequency domain method
MR Rawashdeh, NI Dib
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 19 (3 …, 2009
Enhanced TOA estimation using OFDM over wide-band transmission based on a simulated model
HA Obeidat, I Ahmad, MR Rawashdeh, AA Abdullah, WS Shuaieb, ...
Wireless Personal Communications, 1-13, 2022
Optimized solutions for defect characterization in 2-d inverse eddy current testing problems using subregion finite element method
MR Rawashdeh, A Rosell, L Udpa, SRH Hoole, Y Deng
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (8), 1-15, 2018
Full Wave Analysis of Circular Guiding Structures Using One and Two Dimensional Finite Difference Frequency Domain Method
MR Rawashdeh, NI Dib
Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation and …, 2009
Artificial neural networks and noncontact microwave NDT for evaluation of polypropylene fiber concrete
H Nimer, R Ismail, H Al-Mattarneh, M Khodier, Y Jaradat, A Rawashdeh, ...
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 26 (1), 273-292, 2025
Graphics processing unit computations for finite element optimization: A review and some issues to be addressed
S Sivasuthan, VU Karthik, T Mathialakan, MR Rawashdeh, P Jayakumar, ...
Revue Roumaine Des Sci. Techn.-Serie ElectrotechniQque Et Energetique 60 (3 …, 2015
A computational investigation and smooth-shaped defect synthesis for eddy current testing problems using the subregion finite element method
MR Rawashdeh, A Rosell, L Udpa, SRH Hoole, Y Deng
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 30 (3), 2019
Design of seven‐way Bagley power divider with arbitrary output power ratio
MR Rawashdeh, AS Al‐Zoubi, NI Dib, AA Almousa, H Jaradat
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, e22468, 2020
Full‐wave analysis of circular guiding structures using the finite difference frequency domain method
MR Rawashdeh, NI Dib
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 20 (6 …, 2010
General design of N-way Bagley power dividers with arbitrary unequal output power splitting ratios using a new iterative algorithm
MR Rawashdeh, AS Al-Zoubi, NI Dib, AA Almousa
Electromagnetics 41 (5), 315-330, 2021
Solving Inverse Eddy Current Testing Problems using Subregion Finite Element Method
MR Rawashdeh, Z Su, A Efremov, S Ramesh, A Rosell, L Udpa, ...
2018 Inverse Problems Symposium, 2018
Parameters of Microstrip and Coupled Microstrip Lines Mounted on Anisotropic Multilayer Substrate Using Conformal Mapping
MR Rawashdeh, MS Altantawi, NI Dib, Y Deng
2018 Engineering Graduate Research SymposiumAt: Michigan State University …, 2018
Experimental Two-Dimensional Defect Detection and Characterization Using TMR Sensors and Excitation Coil in Fixed Position.
MR Rawashdeh, A Rosell, L Udpa, Y Deng
2018 Engineering Graduate Research SymposiumAt: Michigan State University …, 2018
Full-Wave Analysis of Circular Structures Loaded with Longitudinal and Azimuthal Magnetized Ferrite Substrates Using the Finite Difference Frequency Domain Method
MR Rawashdeh, NI Dib, Y Deng
2018 Engineering Graduate Research SymposiumAt: Michigan State University …, 2018
T6061-T6 subsurface defect characterization using two-dimensional Subregion finite element method.
MR Rawashdeh, A Rosell, Y Deng
2018 GEM-ASEE Doctoral Engineering Research Showcase, Washington, DC, USA, 2018
Subregion Finite Element Hybrid Optimization Using Genetics Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Nondestructive Evaluation Inverse Problems
MR Rawashdeh, A Rosell, L Udpa, Y Deng
2017 ASNT Annual Conference, TN, USA, 2017
Subregion Finite Element Method based Defect Detection and Characterization using Eddy Current Techniques
MR Rawashdeh, L Udpa, SRH Hoole, Y Deng
2017 Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, MSU, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2017
Computational Investigation Using Subregion Finite Element Method for Solving the Inverse Problem in Eddy Current NDE
MR Rawashdeh, L Udpa, SRH Hoole
2016 Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, MSU, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2016
Towards Semantic Similarity of Nodes in a Social Network
A Rawashdeh, M Rawashdeh, A Ralescu, I Diaz
Full Wave Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) Analysis of Circular Guiding Structures Using One and Two Dimensional Finite Difference Frequency Domain Method (FDFD)
MR Rawashdeh, NI Dib, R S Hoole
2014 Engieering Graduate Research Symposiam, MSU, East Lansing, MI, USA., 2014
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