Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro
Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro
Потвърден имейл адрес: uny.ac.id
Reading interest in a digital age
NHPS Putro, J Lee
Reading Psychology 38 (8), 778-807, 2017
Impact of reading on students’ writing ability
M Atayeva, N Putro, G Kassymova, S Kosbay
Materials of International Practical Internet Conference “Challenges of …, 2019
EFL teachers’ perception of the effectiveness of ICT-ELT integration during the COVID-19 pandemic
Y Fitri, NHPS Putro
International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession …, 2021
Digital literacy in the English curriculum: Models of learning activities
B Murtafi’ah, N Putro
Acta Informatica Malaysia 3 (2), 11-14, 2019
Students' Writing Anxiety: How Does It Affect Students' Writing Performance in EFL Context?
I Karlina, NH Pancoro
5th Asia Pasific Education Conference (AECON 2018), 49-52, 2018
Trends in the implementation of higher-order thinking skills in islamic religious education in madrasahs and schools: A Systematic Literature Review
IF Ahmad, NHPS Putro, ZS Thontowi, A Syafii, MA Subakti
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 9 (2), 195-216, 2020
Item analysis of English final semester test
AV Maharani, N Putro
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics 5 (2), 491-504, 2020
The potentials of ChatGPT for language learning: Unpacking its benefits and limitations
A Nugroho, NHPS Putro, K Syamsi
Register Journal 16 (2), 224-247, 2023
Profiles of readers in a digital age
NHPS Putro, J Lee
Reading Psychology 39 (6), 585-601, 2018
The Effectiveness of Authentic Short Movies in Enhancing Students Speaking Skill
R Madiyoh, NHPS Putro
International Journal of English Literature and Culture 6 (3), 44-49, 2018
Evaluation of TOEFL preparation course program to improve students' test score
MS Maharani, NHPS Putro
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 25 (1), 63-76, 2021
Gender differences in santri’ s reading attitude and motivation
B Murtafi'ah, NHPS Putro
EduLite: Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture 5 (2), 251-262, 2020
Academic writing apprehension in higher education: A systematic review
J Nurkamto, LA Prihandoko, NHPS Putro, O Purwati
Studies in English Language and Education 11 (1), 247-266, 2024
Quizlet application effect on senior high school students vocabulary acquisition
MR Setiawan, NPS Putro
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings …, 2021
Evaluation of learning process: Knowledge of ICT integration among pre-service English language teachers
DS Ciptaningrum, NHPS Putro, NK Sari, N Hasanuddin
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) 7 (1), 5, 2021
Impact of reading on students’ writing ability. Challenges of Science
M Atayeva, N Putro, G Kassymova, S Kosbay
Meta analysis study: Effectiveness of problem based learning on Indonesian students' mathematical reasoning ability
IM Fitriyah, NHPS Putro, E Apino
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 9 (1), 36-45, 2022
Correlation Between Self-Efficacy and Motivation of English Teachers, Towards Students Achievement in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
BU Dari, NHPS Putro
Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif 11 (1), 77-87, 2021
Eclectic approach: A search for more effective assessment ways to meet EFL assessment principles
NS Thamrin, S Madya, NHPS Putro, SS Mustakim, A Hassan, H Retnawati
Studies in English Language and Education 10 (2), 668-685, 2023
Digital Natives Generation Enjoyment Using Online Resources as Virtual Learning Environment in Learning English Speaking.
DR Nur, P Widodo, NHPS Putro
International Journal of Language Education 7 (4), 602-614, 2023
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