Leonardo Langone
Leonardo Langone
Director of Research at CNR-ISP, Istituto di Scienze Polari
Потвърден имейл адрес: CNR.IT
The late-Holocene Gargano subaqueous delta, Adriatic shelf: sediment pathways and supply fluctuations
A Cattaneo, A Correggiari, L Langone, F Trincardi
Marine Geology 193 (1), 61-91, 2003
A high resolution late Holocene palaeo environmental record from the central Adriatic Sea
F Oldfield, A Asioli, CA Accorsi, AM Mercuri, S Juggins, L Langone, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (2), 319-342, 2003
Styles of failure in late Holocene highstand prodelta wedges on the Adriatic shelf
A Correggiari, F Trincardi, L Langone, M Roveri
Journal of Sedimentary Research 71 (2), 218-236, 2001
Carbon and nutrient fluxes in continental margins: a global synthesis
KK Liu, L Atkinson, R Quiñones, L Talaue-McManus
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Stratigraphy of the late-Quaternary deposits in the central Adriatic basin and the record of short-term climatic events
F Trincardi, A Cattaneo, A Asioli, A Correggiari, L Langone
Organic matter origin and distribution in suspended particulate materials and surficial sediments from the western Adriatic Sea (Italy)
T Tesi, S Miserocchi, MA Goni, L Langone, A Boldrin, M Turchetto
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (3), 431-446, 2007
Fine-sediment mass balance in the western Adriatic continental shelf over a century time scale
M Frignani, L Langone, M Ravaioli, D Sorgente, F Alvisi, S Albertazzi
Marine Geology 222, 113-133, 2005
Particle transport in the Bari Canyon (southern Adriatic Sea)
M Turchetto, A Boldrin, L Langone, S Miserocchi, T Tesi, F Foglini
Marine Geology 246 (2), 231-247, 2007
Sub-millennial scale climatic oscillations in the central Adriatic during the Lateglacial: palaeoceanographic implications
A Asioli, F Trincardi, JJ Lowe, D Ariztegui, L Langone, F Oldfield
Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (11), 1201-1221, 2001
Source, transport and fate of terrestrial organic carbon on the western Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Lions, France
T Tesi, S Miserocchi, MA Goñi, L Langone
Marine Chemistry 105 (1-2), 101-117, 2007
Source, transport and fate of terrestrial organic carbon on the western Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Lions, France
T Tesi, S Miserocchi, MA Goñi, L Langone
Marine Chemistry 105 (1-2), 101-117, 2007
The use of< sup> 7</sup> Be to identify event and seasonal sedimentation near the Po River delta, Adriatic Sea
CM Palinkas, CA Nittrouer, RA Wheatcroft, L Langone
Marine Geology 222, 95-112, 2005
Accumulation rates and< sup> 137</sup> Cs distribution in sediments off the Po River delta and the Emilia-Romagna coast (northwestern Adriatic Sea, Italy)
M Frignani, L Langone
Continental Shelf Research 11 (6), 525-542, 1991
Po River plume on the Adriatic continental shelf: dispersion and sedimentation of dissolved and suspended matter during different river discharge rates
A Boldrin, L Langone, S Miserocchi, M Turchetto, F Acri
Marine geology 222, 135-158, 2005
Lake Maggiore (N. Italy) trophic history: fossil diatom, plant pigments, and chironomids, and comparison with long-term limnological data
A Marchetto, A Lami, S Musazzi, J Massaferro, L Langone, P Guilizzoni
Quaternary International 113 (1), 97-110, 2004
CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential
F Boero, F Foglini, S Fraschetti, P Goriup, E Macpherson, S Planes, ...
Scires-It 6, 1-95, 2016
Response of the Adriatic Sea to an intense cold air outbreak: Dense water dynamics and wave-induced transport
A Benetazzo, A Bergamasco, D Bonaldo, FM Falcieri, M Sclavo, ...
Progress in Oceanography 128, 115-138, 2014
Metal fluxes to the sediments of the northern Venice Lagoon
M Frignani, LG Bellucci, L Langone, H Muntau
Marine Chemistry 58 (3-4), 275-292, 1997
Historical flux of mercury associated with mining and industrial sources in the Marano and Grado Lagoon (northern Adriatic Sea)
S Covelli, L Langone, A Acquavita, R Piani, A Emili
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 113, 7-19, 2012
Records of environmental and climatic changes during the late Holocene from Svalbard: palaeolimnology of Kongressvatnet
P Guilizzoni, A Marchetto, A Lami, A Brauer, L Vigliotti, S Musazzi, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 36, 325-351, 2006
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