Robert Marx
Gay-straight alliances are associated with lower levels of school-based victimization of LGBTQ+ youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis
RA Marx, HH Kettrey
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 1269-1282, 2016
The effects of bystander programs on the prevention of sexual assault across the college years: A systematic review and meta-analysis
HH Kettrey, RA Marx
Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 212-227, 2019
Empirically based mean effect size distributions for universal prevention programs targeting school-aged youth: A review of meta-analyses
EE Tanner-Smith, JA Durlak, RA Marx
Prevention Science 19 (8), 1091-1101, 2018
Understanding intersectionality and resiliency among transgender adolescents: Exploring pathways among peer victimization, school belonging, and drug use
T Hatchel, R Marx
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (6), 1289, 2018
Later school start times for supporting the education, health, and well‐being of high school students
R Marx, EE Tanner‐Smith, CM Davison, LA Ufholz, J Freeman, R Shankar, ...
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2017
Effects of bystander programs on the prevention of sexual assault among adolescents and college students: A systematic review
HH Kettrey, RA Marx, EE Tanner‐Smith
Campbell Systematic Reviews 15 (1-2), e1013, 2019
Greater engagement in gender‐sexuality alliances (GSAs) and GSA characteristics predict youth empowerment and reduced mental health concerns
VP Poteat, JP Calzo, H Yoshikawa, A Lipkin, CJ Ceccolini, SB Rosenbach, ...
Child development 91 (5), 1509-1528, 2020
Effects of bystander sexual assault prevention programs on promoting intervention skills and combatting the bystander effect: A systematic review and meta-analysis
HH Kettrey, RA Marx
Journal of experimental criminology 17, 343-367, 2021
Gay-Straight Alliances vary on dimensions of youth socializing and advocacy: Factors accounting for individual and setting-level differences
VP Poteat, JR Scheer, RA Marx, JP Calzo, H Yoshikawa
American journal of community psychology 55, 422-432, 2015
When care and concern are not enough: School personnel’s development as allies for trans and gender non-conforming students
RA Marx, LM Roberts, CT Nixon
Social Sciences 6 (1), 11, 2017
Does the gendered approach of bystander programs matter in the prevention of sexual assault among adolescents and college students? A systematic review and meta-analysis
HH Kettrey, RA Marx
Archives of sexual behavior 48, 2037-2053, 2019
Later school start times for supporting the education, health, and well‐being of high school students: a systematic review
R Marx, EE Tanner‐Smith, CM Davison, LA Ufholz, J Freeman, R Shankar, ...
Campbell Systematic Reviews 13 (1), 1-99, 2017
Predictors of sexual victimisation and suicidal ideation among transgender and gender-nonconforming adolescents
RA Marx, T Hatchel, CB Mehring, DL Espelage
Psychology & Sexuality 12 (1-2), 79-95, 2021
Effects of campus sexual assault prevention programs on attitudes and behaviors among American college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
HH Kettrey, MP Thompson, RA Marx, AJ Davis
Journal of Adolescent Health 72 (6), 831-844, 2023
Understanding nonbinary college students’ experiences on college campuses: An exploratory study of mental health, campus involvement, victimization, and safety.
RA Marx, CS Maffini, FJ Peña
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 17 (3), 330, 2024
The persistence of policies of protection in LGBTQ research & advocacy
LM Roberts, RA Marx
Journal of LGBT Youth 15 (4), 280-299, 2018
“No Excuses” charter schools for increasing math and literacy achievement in primary and secondary education: a systematic review
S Krowka, A Hadd, R Marx
Campbell Systematic Reviews 13 (1), 1-67, 2017
Extracurricular settings as a space to address sociopolitical crises: The case of discussing immigration in gender-sexuality alliances following the 2016 US presidential election
VP Poteat, JP Calzo, H Yoshikawa, SB Rosenbach, CJ Ceccolini, ...
American educational research journal 56 (6), 2262-2294, 2019
“It’s loving yourself for you”: Happiness in trans and nonbinary adults.
EA Tebbe, HL Bell, K Cassidy, S Lindner, E Wilson, S Budge
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 11 (3), 397, 2024
Gender‐Sexuality Alliance meeting experiences predict weekly variation in hope among LGBTQ+ youth
VP Poteat, JP Calzo, SH Sherwood, RA Marx, MD O'Brien, A Dangora, ...
Child Development 94 (4), e215-e230, 2023
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