Steven M. Weisberg
Steven M. Weisberg
Assistant Professor, University of Florida
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Variations in cognitive maps: understanding individual differences in navigation.
SM Weisberg, VR Schinazi, NS Newcombe, TF Shipley, RA Epstein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40 (3), 669, 2014
How do (some) people make a cognitive map? Routes, places, and working memory.
SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (5), 768, 2016
Embodied cognition and STEM learning: Overview of a topical collection in CR: PI
SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe
Cognitive research: principles and implications 2, 1-6, 2017
Cognitive maps: Some people make them, some people struggle
SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe
Current directions in psychological science 27 (4), 220-226, 2018
Charting the development of cognitive mapping
A Nazareth, SM Weisberg, K Margulis, NS Newcombe
Journal of experimental child psychology 170, 86-106, 2018
A CRISPR new world: attitudes in the public toward innovations in human genetic modification
SM Weisberg, D Badgio, A Chatterjee
Frontiers in public health 5, 117, 2017
Learning to interpret topographic maps: Understanding layered spatial information
K Atit, SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe, TF Shipley
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 1, 1-18, 2016
Everyday taxi drivers: Do better navigators have larger hippocampi?
SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe, A Chatterjee
Cortex 115, 280-293, 2019
Keeping track of where we are: Spatial working memory in navigation
KJ Blacker, SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe, SM Courtney
Visual Cognition 25 (7-8), 691-702, 2017
Beyond small-scale spatial skills: Navigation skills and geoscience education
A Nazareth, NS Newcombe, TF Shipley, M Velazquez, SM Weisberg
Cognitive research: principles and implications 4, 1-17, 2019
The lay of the land: Sensing and representing topography
NS Newcombe, SM Weisberg, K Atit, ME Jacovina, CJ Ormand, ...
Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 10 (1), 6, 2015
Improving middle school science learning using diagrammatic reasoning
JG Cromley, SM Weisberg, T Dai, NS Newcombe, CD Schunn, C Massey, ...
Science Education 100 (6), 1184-1213, 2016
Children's use of slope to guide navigation: Sex differences relate to spontaneous slope perception
CA Holmes, D Nardi, NS Newcombe, SM Weisberg
Spatial Cognition & Computation 15 (3), 170-185, 2015
When gestures show us the way: Co-thought gestures selectively facilitate navigation and spatial memory
A Galati, SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe, MN Avraamides
Spatial Cognition & Computation 18 (1), 1-30, 2018
Hippocampal volume and navigational ability: The map (ping) is not to scale
SM Weisberg, AD Ekstrom
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 126, 102-112, 2021
Feel the way with a vibrotactile compass: Does a navigational aid aid navigation?
SM Weisberg, D Badgio, A Chatterjee
Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition 44 (5), 667, 2018
The relation between navigation strategy and associative memory: An individual differences approach.
CT Ngo, SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe, IR Olson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (4), 663, 2016
Topographic map assessment
M Jacovina, C Ormand, TF Shipley, S Weisberg
A slippery directional slope: Individual differences in using slope as a directional cue
SM Weisberg, NS Newcombe
Memory & cognition 42, 648-661, 2014
Behavioral and neural representations of spatial directions across words, schemas, and images
SM Weisberg, SA Marchette, A Chatterjee
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (21), 4996-5007, 2018
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