Iosune Uriz
Iosune Uriz
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes. (CEAB-CSIC)
Потвърден имейл адрес: ceab.csic.es
Decline in Mesozoic reef-building sponges explained by silicon limitation
M Maldonado, MC Carmona, MJ Uriz, A Cruzado
Nature 401 (6755), 785-788, 1999
Siliceous spicules and skeleton frameworks in sponges: origin, diversity, ultrastructural patterns, and biological functions
MJ Uriz, X Turon, MA Becerro, G Agell
Microscopy research and technique 62 (4), 279-299, 2003
Sponge mass mortalities in a warming Mediterranean Sea: are cyanobacteria-harboring species worse off?
E Cebrian, MJ Uriz, J Garrabou, E Ballesteros
PLoS One 6 (6), e20211, 2011
Biological activity of extracts from some Mediterranean macrophytes
E Ballesteros, D Martin, MJ Uriz
De Gruyter 35 (6), 481-486, 1992
Mineral skeletogenesis in sponges
MJ Uriz
Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 (2), 322-356, 2006
Biogeography of sponge chemical ecology: comparisons of tropical and temperate defenses
MA Becerro, RW Thacker, X Turon, MJ Uriz, VJ Paul
Oecologia 135, 91-101, 2003
Antimicrobial activity and surface bacterial film in marine sponges
MA Becerro, NI Lopez, X Turon, MJ Uriz
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 179 (2), 195-205, 1994
How do reproductive output, larval behaviour, and recruitment contribute to adult spatial patterns in Mediterranean encrusting sponges?
MJ Uriz, M Maldonado, X Turon, R Martí
Marine Ecology Progress Series 167, 137-148, 1998
Growth dynamics and mortality of the encrusting sponge Crambe crambe (Poecilosclerida) in contrasting habitats: correlation with population structure and …
X Turon, I Tarjuelo, MJ Uriz
Functional Ecology 12 (4), 631-639, 1998
Clearance rates and aquiferous systems in two sponges with contrasting life‐history strategies
X Turon, J Galera, MJ Uriz
Journal of Experimental Zoology 278 (1), 22-36, 1997
Les peuplements bathyaux de Spongiaires de la mer d’Alboran et du Golfe Ibéro-Marocain
N Boury-Esnault, M Pansini, MJ Uriz
Multiple functions for secondary metabolites in encrusting marine invertebrates
MA Becerro, X Turon, MJ Uriz
Journal of chemical ecology 23, 1527-1547, 1997
Distribution of brominated compounds within the sponge Aplysina aerophoba: coupling of X-ray microanalysis with cryofixation techniques
X Turon, MA Becerro, MJ Uriz
Cell and Tissue Research 301, 311-322, 2000
The sponge population of the Cabrera Archipelago (Balearic Islands): characteristics, distribution, and abundance of the most representative species
MJ Uriz, D Rosell, D Martín
Marine Ecology 13 (2), 101-117, 1992
Silica deposition in Demosponges: spiculogenesis in Crambe crambe
MJ Uriz, X Turon, MA Becerro
Cell and Tissue Research 301, 299-309, 2000
Chemically-mediated interactions in benthic organisms: the chemical ecology of Crambe crambe (Porifera, Poecilosclerida)
MA Becerro, MJ Uriz, X Turon
Interactions and Adaptation Strategies of Marine Organisms: Proceedings of …, 1997
Sexual propagation by sponge fragments
M Maldonado, MJ Uriz
Nature 398 (6727), 476-476, 1999
Dispersal strategies in sponge larvae: integrating the life history of larvae and the hydrologic component
S Mariani, MJ Uriz, X Turon, T Alcoverro
Oecologia 149, 174-184, 2006
Location of toxicity within the Mediterranean sponge Crambe crambe (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida)
MJ Uriz, MA Becerro, JM Tur, X Turon
Marine Biology 124, 583-590, 1996
Sponges as biomonitors of heavy metals in spatial and temporal surveys in northwestern Mediterranean: multispecies comparison
E Cebrian, MJ Uriz, X Turon
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26 (11), 2430-2439, 2007
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