Doğan Demirhan
Doğan Demirhan
Ege Üniversitesi Fizik Profesörü
Потвърден имейл адрес: ege.edu.tr
A statistical mechanical approach to generalized statistics of quantum and classical gases
F Büyükiliç, D Demirhan, A Güleç
Physics Letters A 197 (3), 209-220, 1995
A Fractal Approach to the Entropy and the Distribution Functions
BF Demirhan D
Physics Letters A 181 (1), 24-28, 1993
Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation for two “deformed” hyperbolic molecular potentials
H Eğrifes, D Demirhan, F Büyükkiliç
Physica Scripta 60 (3), 195, 1999
Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation for the deformed hyperbolic potential well and the deformed four-parameter exponential type potential
H Eğrifes, D Demirhan, F Büyükkılıç
Physics Letters A 275 (4), 229-237, 2000
Polynomial Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation forthe “Deformed” Hyperbolic Potentials byNikiforov–Uvarov Method
H Eğrifes, D Demirhan, F Büyükkiliç
Physica Scripta 59 (2), 90, 1999
Extension of Nikiforov-Uvarov method for the solution of Heun equation
H Karayer, D Demirhan, F Büyükkılıç
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (6), 2015
Generalized distribution functions and an alternative approach to generalized Planck radiation law
U Tirnakli, F Büyükkiliç, D Demirhan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 240 (3-4), 657-664, 1997
Some bounds upon the nonextensivity parameter using the approximate generalized distribution functions
U Tirnakli, F Büyükkiliç, D Demirhan
Physics Letters A 245 (1-2), 62-66, 1998
Conformable fractional nikiforov—uvarov method
H Karayer, D Demirhan, F Büyükkılıç
Communications in Theoretical Physics 66 (1), 12, 2016
Solution of the Schrödinger equation for two different molecular potentials by the Nikiforov-Uvarov method
F Büyükiliç, H Egˇrifes, D Demirhan
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 98 (4), 192-196, 1998
Time fractional development of quantum systems
H Ertik, D Demirhan, H Şirin, F Büyükkılıç
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (8), 2010
Solution of Schrödinger equation for two different potentials using extended Nikiforov-Uvarov method and polynomial solutions of biconfluent Heun equation
H Karayer, D Demirhan, F Büyükkılıç
Journal of Mathematical Physics 59 (5), 2018
Some special solutions of biconfluent and triconfluent Heun equations in elementary functions by extended Nikiforov–Uvarov method
H Karayer, D Demirhan, F Büyükkiliç
Reports on Mathematical Physics 76 (3), 271-281, 2015
A unified grand canonical description of the nonextensive thermostatistics of the quantum gases: Fractal and fractional approach
F Büyükkiliç, D Demirhan
The European Physical Journal B 14, 705-711, 2000
Generalization of the mean-field Ising model within Tsallis thermostatistics
F Büyükkiliç, D Demirhan, U Tirnakli
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 238 (1-4), 285-294, 1997
Generalization of the Maier–Saupe theory of the nematics within Tsallis thermostatistics
O Kayacan, F Büyükkılıç, D Demirhan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 301 (1-4), 255-260, 2001
Nonextensive thermostatistical investigation of the blackbody radiation
F Büyükkılıç, İ Sökmen, D Demirhan
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 13 (4), 749-759, 2002
Investigation of the pseudo-harmonic oscillator by su (1, 1) spectrum generating algebra
F Büyükkılıç, D Demirhan, SF Özeren
Chemical physics letters 194 (1-2), 9-12, 1992
Relaxation dynamics of iron-group dihalides
G Gulpinar, D Demirhan, F Buyukkilic
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
Cumulative growth with fibonacci approach, golden section and physics
F Büyükkılıç, D Demirhan
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (1), 24-32, 2009
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