Moises Cohen
Moises Cohen
Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina da UNIFESP
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Investigation of bioterrorism-related anthrax, United States, 2001: epidemiologic findings
DB Jernigan, PL Raghunathan, BP Bell, R Brechner, EA Bresnitz, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 8 (10), 1019, 2002
Regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis during tomato fruit development: expression of the gene for lycopene epsilon‐cyclase is down‐regulated during ripening and is elevated in …
G Ronen, M Cohen, D Zamir, J Hirschberg
The Plant Journal 17 (4), 341-351, 1999
A phase 2a clinical trial of molnupiravir in patients with COVID-19 shows accelerated SARS-CoV-2 RNA clearance and elimination of infectious virus
WA Fischer, JJ Eron Jr, W Holman, MS Cohen, L Fang, LJ Szewczyk, ...
Science translational medicine 14 (628), eabl7430, 2021
Lesões nos esportes: diagnóstico, prevenção, tratamento
M Cohen, RJ Abdalla
Lesões nos esportes: diagnóstico, prevenção, tratamento, 937-937, 2003
Prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric ACL injuries
CL Ardern, GR Ekås, H Grindem, H Moksnes, A Anderson, F Chotel, ...
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018
Glenohumeral range of motion in handball players with and without throwing-related shoulder pain
GPL Almeida, PF Silveira, NP Rosseto, G Barbosa, B Ejnisman, M Cohen
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 22 (5), 602-607, 2013
2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis, and management of pediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries
International Olympic Committee Pediatric ACL Injury Consensus Group, ...
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine 6 (3), 2325967118759953, 2018
Epidemiology of sports injuries in basketball: integrative systematic review
CV Andreoli, BC Chiaramonti, E Biruel, A de Castro Pochini, B Ejnisman, ...
BMJ open sport & exercise medicine 4 (1), e000468, 2018
Tradução, adaptação cultural e validação do" American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle-Hindfoot Scale"
RC Rodrigues, D Masiero, JM Mizusaki, AM Imoto, MS Peccin, M Cohen, ...
Acta Ortopédica Brasileira 16, 107-111, 2008
Bony and soft tissue landmarks of the ACL tibial insertion site: an anatomical study
M Ferretti, D Doca, SM Ingham, M Cohen, FH Fu
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 20, 62-68, 2012
Return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Return to Sport Consensus Group
SJ Meredith, T Rauer, TL Chmielewski, C Fink, T Diermeier, BB Rothrauff, ...
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine 8 (6), 2325967120930829, 2020
Questionário específico para sintomas do joelho" Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale": tradução e validação para a língua portuguesa
MS Peccin, R Ciconelli, M Cohen
Acta Ortopédica Brasileira 14, 268-272, 2006
Transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients with open physes
M Cohen, M Ferretti, M Quarteiro, FB Marcondes, JPB de Hollanda, ...
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 25 (8), 831-838, 2009
Pectoralis major muscle rupture in athletes: a prospective study
A de Castro Pochini, B Ejnisman, CV Andreoli, GC Monteiro, AC Silva, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 38 (1), 92-98, 2010
International Meniscus Reconstruction Experts Forum (IMREF) 2015 consensus statement on the practice of meniscal allograft transplantation
A Getgood, RF LaPrade, P Verdonk, W Gersoff, B Cole, T Spalding, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 45 (5), 1195-1205, 2017
Clinical considerations for the surgical treatment of pectoralis major muscle ruptures based on 60 cases: a prospective study and literature review
A de Castro Pochini, CV Andreoli, PS Belangero, EA Figueiredo, BB Terra, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 42 (1), 95-102, 2014
Posterolateral corner of the knee: an expert consensus statement on diagnosis, classification, treatment, and rehabilitation
J Chahla, IR Murray, J Robinson, K Lagae, F Margheritini, B Fritsch, ...
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 27, 2520-2529, 2019
Interventions for tears of the rotator cuff in adults
B Ejnisman, CV Andreoli, BGO Soares, F Fallopa, MS Peccin, RJ Abdalla, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2004
Anteromedial tibial tubercle osteotomy improves results of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for recurrent patellar instability in patients with tibial tuberosity …
CE Franciozi, LF Ambra, LJB Albertoni, P Debieux, ...
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 35 (2), 566-574, 2019
Early osteoarthritis and reduced quality of life after retirement in former professional soccer players
GG Arliani, DC Astur, RKF Yamada, AF Yamada, GK Miyashita, ...
Clinics 69, 589-594, 2014
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