Samuel T. McAbee
Samuel T. McAbee
Associate Professor, Bowling Green State University
Потвърден имейл адрес: bgsu.edu
The development of a short domain-general measure of working memory capacity
FL Oswald, ST McAbee, TS Redick, DZ Hambrick
Behavior research methods 47 (4), 1343-1355, 2015
The criterion-related validity of personality measures for predicting GPA: A meta-analytic validity competition.
ST McAbee, FL Oswald
Psychological Assessment 25 (2), 532-544, 2013
Inductive reasoning: The promise of big data
ST McAbee, RS Landis, MI Burke
Human Resource Management Review 27, 277-290, 2017
A multi-rater framework for studying personality: The trait-reputation-identity model.
ST McAbee, BS Connelly
Psychological Review 123 (5), 569-591, 2016
Social support perceptions, network characteristics, and international student adjustment
F Shu, SF Ahmed, ML Pickett, R Ayman, ST McAbee
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 74, 135-148, 2020
The HEXACO personality traits, cultural intelligence, and international student adjustment
F Shu, ST McAbee, R Ayman
Personality and Individual Differences 106, 21-25, 2017
Bifactor models of personality and college student performance: A broad versus narrow view
ST McAbee, FL Oswald, BS Connelly
European Journal of Personality 28 (6), 604-619, 2014
The impact of interpersonal discrimination and stress on health and performance for early career STEM academicians
KR O’Brien, ST McAbee, MR Hebl, JR Rodgers
Frontiers in psychology 7, 615, 2016
A multirater perspective on personality and performance: An empirical examination of the trait–reputation–identity model.
BS Connelly, ST McAbee, IS Oh, Y Jung, CW Jung
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (8), 1352, 2022
Assessing the evaluative content of personality questionnaires using bifactor models
MD Biderman, ST McAbee, Z Chen, NT Hendy
Journal of Personality Assessment 100, 375-388, 2018
The practical effects of measurement invariance: Gender invariance in two Big Five personality measures
J Ock, ST McAbee, E Mulfinger, FL Oswald
Assessment 27 (4), 657-674, 2020
Scale mean and variance differences in MTurk and non-MTurk samples
MG Keith, BA Stevenor, ST McAbee
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2022
Validity of Evaluative Factors from Big Five and HEXACO questionnaires
MD Biderman, ST McAbee, NT Hendy, ZJ Chen
Journal of Research in Personality 80, 84-96, 2019
Imperfect corrections or correct imperfections? Psychometric corrections in meta-analysis
FL Oswald, S Ercan, ST McAbee, J Ock, A Shaw
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 8 (2), e1-e4, 2015
The HEXACO model in education and work: Current applications and future directions
ST McAbee, A Casillas, JD Way, F Guo
Zeitschrift für Psychologie 227 (3), 174-186, 2019
Open science is robust science
ST McAbee, J Grubbs, MJ Zickar
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and …, 2018
Statistical and methodological considerations for research on expertise: Remedies from open science and the reproducibility crisis
ST McAbee
Journal of Expertise 1 (3), 136-143, 2018
Primer–Statistical Methods in the Study of Expertise
ST McAbee, FL Oswald
The Science of Expertise, 31-48, 2017
A short measure of the Big Five aspects: Development and validation of the BFAS-40
CM Gallagher, BA Stevenor, A Samo, ST McAbee
Journal of Personality Assessment 105, 719-732, 2022
Reliability Generalization Analysis of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale
J Ock, ST McAbee, S Ercan, A Shaw, FL Oswald
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 26, 6, 2021
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