Jasmin Joshi
Jasmin Joshi
Institute for Landscape and Open Space (ILF), HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Switzerland
Потвърден имейл адрес: hsr.ch
Plant diversity and productivity experiments in European grasslands
A Hector, B Schmid, C Beierkuhnlein, MC Caldeira, M Diemer, ...
science 286 (5442), 1123-1127, 1999
General stabilizing effects of plant diversity on grassland productivity through population asynchrony and overyielding
A Hector, Y Hautier, P Saner, L Wacker, R Bagchi, J Joshi, ...
Ecology 91 (8), 2213-2220, 2010
Ecosystem effects of biodiversity manipulations in European grasslands
EM Spehn, A Hector, J Joshi, M Scherer-Lorenzen, B Schmid, ...
Ecological monographs 75 (1), 37-63, 2005
Local adaptation enhances performance of common plant species
J Joshi, B Schmid, MC Caldeira, PG Dimitrakopoulos, J Good, R Harris, ...
Ecology letters 4 (6), 536-544, 2001
The enemy release and EICA hypothesis revisited: incorporating the fundamental difference between specialist and generalist herbivores
J Joshi, K Vrieling
Ecology Letters 8 (7), 704-714, 2005
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3109, 2019
Plant diversity effects on soil heterotrophic activity in experimental grassland ecosystems
EM Spehn, J Joshi, B Schmid, J Alphei, C Körner
Plant and soil 224 (2), 217-230, 2000
Numerical responses of different trophic groups of invertebrates to manipulations of plant diversity in grasslands
J Koricheva, CPH Mulder, B Schmid, J Joshi, K Huss-Danell
Oecologia 125, 271-282, 2000
Biological Flora of the British Isles: Robinia pseudoacacia
A Cierjacks, I Kowarik, J Joshi, S Hempel, M Ristow, M von der Lippe, ...
Journal of ecology 101 (6), 1623-1640, 2013
Do allelopathic compounds in invasive Solidago canadensis s.l. restrain the native European flora?
D Abhilasha, N Quintana, J Vivanco, J Joshi
Journal of Ecology 96 (5), 993-1001, 2008
Above‐ground resource use increases with plant species richness in experimental grassland ecosystems
Functional Ecology 14 (3), 326-337, 2000
Soil feedbacks of plant diversity on soil microbial communities and subsequent plant growth
J Bartelt-Ryser, J Joshi, B Schmid, H Brandl, T Balser
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7 (1), 27-49, 2005
Resilience of Amazon forests emerges from plant trait diversity
B Sakschewski, W Von Bloh, A Boit, L Poorter, M Peña-Claros, J Heinke, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (11), 1032-1036, 2016
Insects affect relationships between plant species richness and ecosystem processes
Mulder, Koricheva, Högberg, Joshi
Ecology letters 2 (4), 237-246, 1999
Higher plant diversity promotes higher diversity of fungal pathogens, while it decreases pathogen infection per plant
T Rottstock, J Joshi, V Kummer, M Fischer
Ecology 95 (7), 1907-1917, 2014
Empirical evidence for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships
B Schmid, J Joshi, F Schläpfer
Functional consequences of biodiversity: experimental progress and …, 2002
Species richness, but not phylogenetic diversity, influences community biomass production and temporal stability in a re‐examination of 16 grassland biodiversity studies
P Venail, K Gross, TH Oakley, A Narwani, E Allan, P Flombaum, F Isbell, ...
Functional Ecology 29 (5), 615-626, 2015
Conservation implications of the link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
A Hector, J Joshi, S Lawler, EM Spehn, A Wilby
Oecologia 129, 624-628, 2001
Root hemiparasites and plant diversity in experimental grassland communities
J Joshi, D Matthies, B Schmid
Journal of Ecology 88 (4), 634-644, 2000
Limits of life and the habitability of Mars: the ESA space experiment BIOMEX on the ISS
JP de Vera, M Alawi, T Backhaus, M Baqué, D Billi, U Böttger, T Berger, ...
Astrobiology 19 (2), 145-157, 2019
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