Fatma Ozcan
Fatma Ozcan
Потвърден имейл адрес: google.com
CoHadoop: flexible data placement and its exploitation in Hadoop
MY Eltabakh, Y Tian, F Özcan, R Gemulla, A Krettek, J McPherson
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (9), 575-585, 2011
Jaql: A scripting language for large scale semistructured data analysis
KS Beyer, V Ercegovac, R Gemulla, A Balmin, M Eltabakh, CC Kanne, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (12), 1272-1283, 2011
Clash of the titans: Mapreduce vs. spark for large scale data analytics
J Shi, Y Qiu, UF Minhas, L Jiao, C Wang, B Reinwald, F Özcan
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (13), 2110-2121, 2015
Heterogeneous agent systems
VS Subrahmanian
MIT press, 2000
ATHENA: an ontology-driven system for natural language querying over relational data stores
D Saha, A Floratou, K Sankaranarayanan, UF Minhas, AR Mittal, F Özcan
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9 (12), 1209-1220, 2016
A framework for using materialized XPath views in XML query processing
A Balmin, F Ozcan, K Beyer, R Cochrane, H Pirahesh
VLDB 4, 60-71, 2004
Sql-on-hadoop: Full circle back to shared-nothing database architectures
A Floratou, UF Minhas, F Özcan
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (12), 1295-1306, 2014
Cost models do matter: Providing cost information for diverse data sources in a federated system
MT Roth, LM Haas, F Ozcan
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Division, 1999
System RX: One part relational, one part XML
K Beyer, RJ Cochrane, V Josifovski, J Kleewein, G Lapis, G Lohman, ...
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
XPath containment for index and materialized view matching
AL Balmin, KS Beyer, RJ Cochrane, F Ozcan, MH Pirahesh
US Patent 7,315,852, 2008
IMPACT: A platform for collaborating agents
KA Arisha, F Ozcan, R Ross, VS Subrahmanian, T Eiter, S Kraus
IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications 14 (2), 64-72, 1999
Hybrid transactional/analytical processing: A survey
F Özcan, Y Tian, P Tözün
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
The Seattle report on database research
D Abadi, A Ailamaki, D Andersen, P Bailis, M Balazinska, P Bernstein, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 48 (4), 44-53, 2020
Extending XQuery for analytics
K Beyer, D Chamberlin, LS Colby, F Özcan, H Pirahesh, Y Xu
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Athena++ natural language querying for complex nested sql queries
J Sen, C Lei, A Quamar, F Özcan, V Efthymiou, A Dalmia, G Stager, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 2747-2759, 2020
Multidatabase query optimization
C Evrendilek, A Dogac, S Nural, F Ozcan
Distributed and Parallel Databases 5, 77-114, 1997
Method and apparatus for XML query evaluation using early-outs and multiple passes
F Ozcan, EL Ting
US Patent 7,716,210, 2010
METU interoperable database system
A Dogac, C Dengi, E Kilic, G Ozhan, F Ozcan, S Nural, C Evrendilek, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 24 (3), 56-61, 1995
IMPACT: The interactive Maryland platform for agents collaborating together
K Arisha, F Ozcan, R Ross, S Kraus, VS Subrahmanian
Proceedings International Conference on Multi Agent Systems (Cat. No …, 1998
Dynamic query optimization in multidatabases
F Ozcan, S Nural, P Koksal, C Evrendilek, A Dogac
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 20 (3), 38-45, 1997
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