Eduardo C Arellano
Eduardo C Arellano
Потвърден имейл адрес: uc.cl
Biochar-and phosphate-induced immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soil and water: implication on simultaneous remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater
Y Liang, X Cao, L Zhao, E Arellano
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 4665-4674, 2014
Landscape dynamics and their effect on the functional connectivity of a Mediterranean landscape in Chile
A Hernández, M Miranda, EC Arellano, S Saura, C Ovalle
Ecological Indicators 48, 198-206, 2015
Fertilizantes de entrega controlada: potencial para mejorar la productividad de la reforestación
R Rose, DL Haase, E Arellano
BOSQUE (valdivia) 25 (2), 89-100, 2004
Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restorations worldwide
E Andivia, P Villar‐Salvador, JA Oliet, J PUéRTOLAS, RK Dumroese, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02394, 2021
Landscape trajectories and their effect on fragmentation for a Mediterranean semi-arid ecosystem in Central Chile
A Hernández, MD Miranda, EC Arellano, C Dobbs
Journal of Arid Environments 127, 74-81, 2016
Soil physicochemical factors as environmental filters for spontaneous plant colonization of abandoned tailing dumps
R Ginocchio, P León-Lobos, EC Arellano, V Anic, JF Ovalle, AJM Baker
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 13484-13496, 2017
Understanding the effect of three decades of land use change on soil quality and biomass productivity in a Mediterranean landscape in Chile
Á Hernández, EC Arellano, D Morales-Moraga, MD Miranda
Catena 140, 195-204, 2016
Trade-offs between drought survival and rooting strategy of two South American Mediterranean tree species: implications for dryland forests restoration
JF Ovalle, EC Arellano, R Ginocchio
Forests 6 (10), 3733-3747, 2015
Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management
H Downey, T Amano, M Cadotte, CN Cook, SJ Cooke, NR Haddaway, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (1), e12032, 2021
Using facilitation microsites as a restoration tool for conversion of degraded grasslands to Nothofagus forests in Southern Patagonia
P Valenzuela, EC Arellano, JA Burger, P Becerra
Ecological Engineering 95, 580-587, 2016
CHLSOC: the Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort
M Pfeiffer, J Padarian, R Osorio, N Bustamante, GF Olmedo, M Guevara, ...
Earth System Science Data 12 (1), 457-468, 2020
Restoration and conservation of priority areas of Caatinga’s semi-arid forest remnants can support connectivity within an agricultural landscape
AA Salazar, EC Arellano, A Muñoz-Sáez, MD Miranda, F Oliveira da Silva, ...
Land 10 (6), 550, 2021
Use of alternative containers for promoting deep rooting of native forest species used for dryland restoration: The case of Acacia caven
LM De La Fuente, JF Ovalle Ortega, E Arellano, R Ginocchio Cea
Baseline of Carbon Stocks in Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus spp. Plantations of Chile
GF Olmedo, M Guevara, H Gilabert, CR Montes, EC Arellano, ...
Forests 11 (10), 1063, 2020
Linking nursery nutritional status and water availability post-planting under intense summer drought: the case of a South American Mediterranean tree species
JF Ovalle, EC Arellano, JA Oliet, P Becerra, R Ginocchio
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (5), 758, 2016
Evaluación de técnicas pasivas y activas para la recuperación del bosque esclerófilo de Chile central
P Becerra, C Smith-Ramírez, E Arellano
Santiago, Chile, 2018
Soil conditions and sheltering techniques improve active restoration of degraded Nothofagus pumilio forest in Southern Patagonia
P Valenzuela, EC Arellano, J Burger, JA Oliet, MF Perez
Forest Ecology and Management 424, 28-38, 2018
Fertilizer location modifies root zone salinity, root morphology, and water‐stress resistance of tree seedlings according to the watering regime in a dryland reforestation
JF Ovalle, EC Arellano, R Ginocchio, P Becerra
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (2), 223-233, 2016
Effect of large and small herbivores on seed and seedling survival of Beilschmiedia miersii in central Chile
NS Morales, PI Becerra, EC Arellano, HB Gilabert
Revista Bosque 36 (1), 127-132, 2015
Soil vulnerability indicators to degradation by wildfires in Torres del Paine National Park (Patagonia, Chile)
J Mataix-Solera, EC Arellano, JE Jaña, L Olivares, J Guardiola, ...
Spanish Journal of Soil Science 11, 10008, 2021
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