Sean Doherty
Sean Doherty
Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
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The situational risks of young drivers: The influence of passengers, time of day and day of week on accident rates
ST Doherty, JC Andrey, C MacGregor
Accident Analysis & Prevention 30 (1), 45-52, 1998
A computerized household activity scheduling survey
ST Doherty, EJ Miller
Transportation 27 (1), 75-97, 2000
Exploring the route choice decision-making process: A comparison of planned and observed routes obtained using person-based GPS
D Papinski, DM Scott, ST Doherty
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (4), 347-358, 2009
Tracking destination image across the trip experience with smartphone technology
WW Smith, XR Li, B Pan, M Witte, ST Doherty
Tourism management 48, 113-122, 2015
Method, system and computer program for detecting and monitoring human activity utilizing location data
ST Doherty, L Cwik, D Papinski
US Patent 8,606,497, 2013
Tracking human activity and well-being in natural environments using wearable sensors and experience sampling
ST Doherty, CJ Lemieux, C Canally
Social science & medicine 106, 83-92, 2014
Using a smartphone application to promote healthy dietary behaviours and local food consumption
J Gilliland, R Sadler, A Clark, C O’Connor, M Milczarek, S Doherty
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 841368, 2015
Moving beyond observed outcomes: integrating global positioning systems and interactive computer-based travel behavior surveys
ST Doherty, N Noël, ML Gosselin, C Sirois, M Ueno
Transportation Research Circular, E-C026, 449-466, 2001
The Inca Trail experience: Does the journey matter?
SQ Cutler, B Carmichael, S Doherty
Annals of Tourism Research 45, 152-166, 2014
Should we abandon activity type analysis? Redefining activities by their salient attributes
ST Doherty
Transportation 33, 517-536, 2006
12. A conceptual model of the weekly household activity/travel scheduling process
ST Doherty, EJ Miller, KW Axhausen, T Gärling
Travel behaviour: spatial patterns, congestion and modelling, 233, 2002
Computerized household activity-scheduling survey for Toronto, Canada: design and assessment
ST Doherty, E Nemeth, M Roorda, EJ Miller
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2004
How do urban environments affect young people’s mental health? A novel conceptual framework to bridge public health, planning, and neurourbanism
A Buttazzoni, S Doherty, L Minaker
Public Health Reports 137 (1), 48-61, 2022
Human health and well-being motivations and benefits associated with protected area experiences: An opportunity for transforming policy and management in Canada
CJ Lemieux, PFJ Eagles, DS Slocombe, ST Doherty, SJ Elliott, SE Mock
Parks 18 (1), 71-85, 2012
Incorporating big data within retail organizations: A case study approach
J Aversa, T Hernandez, S Doherty
Journal of retailing and consumer services 60, 102447, 2021
Internet-Based Prompted Recall Diary with Automated GPS Activity-Trip Detection: System Design
MEH Lee-Gosselin, ST Doherty, D Papinski
Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, 2006
The development of a unified modeling framework for the household activity-travel scheduling process
ST Doherty, KW Axhausen
Traffic and Mobility: Simulation—Economics—Environment, 35-56, 1999
Digital sketch-map drawing as an instrument to collect data about spatial cognition
N Tu Huynh, ST Doherty
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 2007
Modeling activity scheduling time horizon: duration of time between planning and execution of pre-planned activities
A Mohammadian, ST Doherty
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 40 (6), 475-490, 2006
The experience sampling method: examining its use and potential in tourist experience research
S Quinlan Cutler, S Doherty, B Carmichael
Current Issues in Tourism 21 (9), 1052-1074, 2018
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