Yongsung Lee
What travel modes do shared e-scooters displace? A review of recent research findings
K Wang, X Qian, DT Fitch, Y Lee, J Malik, G Circella
Transport Reviews 43 (1), 5-31, 2023
Are millennials more multimodal? A latent-class cluster analysis with attitudes and preferences among millennial and Generation X commuters in California
Y Lee, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian, S Guhathakurta
Transportation, 1-24, 2019
Promoting the integrated use of bikeshare and metro: A focus on the nonlinearity of built environment effects
L Cheng, T Jin, K Wang, Y Lee, F Witlox
Multimodal transportation 1 (1), 100004, 2022
Longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 impacts on mobility: an early snapshot of the emerging changes in travel behavior
G Matson, S McElroy, Y Lee, G Circella
Transportation research record 2677 (4), 298-312, 2023
Millennials in cities: Comparing travel behaviour trends across six case study regions
A Delbosc, N McDonald, G Stokes, K Lucas, G Circella, Y Lee
Cities 90, 1-14, 2019
Urban Revival by Millennials? Intra‐Urban Net Migration Patterns of Young Adults, 1980–2010
Y Lee, B Lee, MTH Shubho
Journal of Regional Science, 2019
The multimodal behavior of millennials: exploring differences in travel choices between young adults and Gen Xers in California
G Circella, F Alemi, R Berliner, K Tiedeman, Y Lee, L Fulton, S Handy, ...
96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2017
Complementary pricing and land use policies: does it lead to higher transit use?
B Lee, Y Lee
Journal of the American Planning Association 79 (4), 314-328, 2013
What Affects Millennials’ Mobility? PART II: The Impact of Residential Location, Individual Preferences and Lifestyles on Young Adults’ Travel Behavior in California
G Circella, F Alemi, K Tiedeman, RM Berliner, Y Lee, L Fulton, ...
Heterogeneous Residential Preferences Among Millennials and Members of Generation X in California: A Latent-Class Approach
Y Lee, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian, S Guhathakurta
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 76 (November), 289-304, 2019
What’s eating public transit in the United States? Reasons for declining transit ridership in the 2010s
Y Lee, B Lee
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 157, 126-143, 2022
ICT, millennials' lifestyles and travel choices
Y Lee, G Circella
Advances in transport policy and planning 3, 107-141, 2019
The impact of transit-oriented development on housing value resilience: evidence from the city of Atlanta
W Zhang, F Wang, C Barchers, Y Lee
Journal of Planning Education and Research 41 (4), 396-409, 2021
Substitution or complementarity? A latent-class cluster analysis of ridehailing impacts on the use of other travel modes in three southern US cities
Y Lee, GYH Chen, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 104, 103167, 2022
Exploring the relationships among travel multimodality, driving behavior, use of ridehailing and energy consumption
G Circella, Y Lee, F Alemi
Millennial first-time homebuyers and location choice
EL Raymond, J Dill, Y Lee
Journal of Planning Education and Research 42 (2), 176-184, 2022
What Mobility Modes Do Shared E-Scooters Displace? A Review of Recent Research Findings
K Wang, X Qian, G Circella, Y Lee, J Malik, DT Fitch
Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, 2021
Who would continue to work from home in Hong Kong as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses?
Y Lee, J De Vos
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 120, 103753, 2023
Telecommuting Rates During the Pandemic Differ by Job Type, Income, and Gender
G Matson, S McElroy, G Circella, Y Lee
National Center for Sustainable Development 300 (2), 31-31, 2021
Change in work arrangement during the COVID-19 pandemic: A large shift to remote and hybrid work
X Iogansen, JK Malik, Y Lee, G Circella
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 25, 100969, 2024
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