The Bayesian Virtual Epileptic Patient: A probabilistic framework designed to infer the spatial map of epileptogenicity in a personalized large-scale brain model of epilepsy spread M Hashemi, AN Vattikonda, V Sip, M Guye, F Bartolomei, MM Woodman, ... NeuroImage 217, 116839, 2020 | 115 | 2020 |
Delineating epileptogenic networks using brain imaging data and personalized modeling in drug-resistant epilepsy HE Wang, M Woodman, P Triebkorn, JD Lemarechal, J Jha, B Dollomaja, ... Science Translational Medicine 15 (680), eabp8982, 2023 | 67 | 2023 |
VEP atlas: An anatomic and functional human brain atlas dedicated to epilepsy patients HE Wang, J Scholly, P Triebkorn, V Sip, SM Villalon, MM Woodman, ... Journal of neuroscience methods 348, 108983, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
Characterization of regional differences in resting-state fMRI with a data-driven network model of brain dynamics V Sip, M Hashemi, T Dickscheid, K Amunts, S Petkoski, V Jirsa Science Advances 9 (11), eabq7547, 2023 | 41 | 2023 |
On the influence of prior information evaluated by fully Bayesian criteria in a personalized whole-brain model of epilepsy spread M Hashemi, AN Vattikonda, V Sip, S Diaz-Pier, A Peyser, H Wang, ... PLoS computational biology 17 (7), e1009129, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
Data-driven method to infer the seizure propagation patterns in an epileptic brain from intracranial electroencephalography V Sip, M Hashemi, AN Vattikonda, MM Woodman, H Wang, J Scholly, ... PLoS computational biology 17 (2), e1008689, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Amortized Bayesian inference on generative dynamical network models of epilepsy using deep neural density estimators M Hashemi, AN Vattikonda, J Jha, V Sip, MM Woodman, F Bartolomei, ... Neural Networks 163, 178-194, 2023 | 31 | 2023 |
Identifying spatio-temporal seizure propagation patterns in epilepsy using Bayesian inference AN Vattikonda, M Hashemi, V Sip, MM Woodman, F Bartolomei, VK Jirsa Communications biology 4 (1), 1244, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Evidence for spreading seizure as a cause of theta-alpha activity electrographic pattern in stereo-EEG seizure recordings V Sip, J Scholly, M Guye, F Bartolomei, V Jirsa PLOS Computational Biology 17 (2), e1008731, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |
Computational modeling of seizure spread on a cortical surface V Sip, M Guye, F Bartolomei, V Jirsa Journal of computational neuroscience 50 (1), 17-31, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Simulation-based inference for whole-brain network modeling of epilepsy using deep neural density estimators M Hashemi, AN Vattikonda, J Jha, V Sip, MM Woodman, F Bartolomei, ... medRxiv, 2022.06. 02.22275860, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Modelling the effects of a vegetation barrier on road dust dispersion V Šíp, L Beneš Applied Mechanics and Materials 821, 105-112, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Dry deposition model for a microscale aerosol dispersion solver based on the moment method V Šíp, L Beneš Journal of Aerosol Science 107, 107-122, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Numerical simulations of microscale atmospheric flows and pollution dispersion V Šíp FME, Czech Technical Uni in Prague, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
CFD optimization of a vegetation barrier V Šíp, L Beneš Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2015, 471-479, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
The Bayesian Virtual Epileptic Patient: A probabilistic framework designed to infer the spatial map of epileptogenicity in a personalized large-scale brain model of epilepsy … M Hashemi, AN Vattikonda, V Sip, M Guye, F Bartolomei, MM Woodman, ... PMID, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Investigating the street canyon vegetation effects using the moment method V Šíp, L Beneš | 4 | 2016 |
Virtual Epileptic Patient (VEP): Data-driven probabilistic personalized brain modeling in drug-resistant epilepsy HE Wang, M Woodman, P Triebkorn, JD Lemarechal, J Jha, B Dollomaja, ... medRxiv, 2022.01. 19.22269404, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Parameter inference on brain network models with unknown node dynamics and spatial heterogeneity V Sip, S Petkoski, M Hashemi, T Dickscheid, K Amunts, V Jirsa bioRxiv, 2021.09. 01.458521, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
On generalized notions of the Epileptogenic Zone V Jirsa, V Sip Neurophysiologie Clinique 48 (4), 233-234, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |