Brahim Belkessa
Brahim Belkessa
Research Centre in Industrial Technologies
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Phase transformation and mechanical behavior in annealed 2205 duplex stainless steel welds
R Badji, M Bouabdallah, B Bacroix, C Kahloun, B Belkessa, H Maza
Materials characterization 59 (4), 447-453, 2008
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of dissimilar AISI 304L/WC-Co cermet rotary friction welds
B Cheniti, D Miroud, R Badji, P Hvizdoš, M Fides, T Csanádi, B Belkessa, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 758, 36-46, 2019
Microstructure and mechanical behavior in dissimilar SAF 2205/API X52 welded pipes
B Belkessa, D Miroud, N Ouali, B Cheniti
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 29, 674-682, 2016
Investigation of WC decarburization effect on the microstructure and wear behavior of WC-Ni hardfacing under dry and alkaline wet conditions
B Cheniti, D Miroud, P Hvizdoš, J Balko, R Sedlák, T Csanádi, B Belkessa, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 208, 237-247, 2018
Effect of heat input on microstructure, residual stress, and corrosion resistance of UNS 32101 lean duplex stainless steel weld joints
N Ouali, K Khenfer, B Belkessa, J Fajoui, B Cheniti, B Idir, S Branchu
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 4252-4264, 2019
Effect of post weld heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of welded 2205 duplex stainless steel
R Badji, B Belkessa, H Maza, M Bouabdallah, B Bacroix, C Kahloun
Materials science forum 467, 217-222, 2004
Effect of aging temperature on the microstructure, local mechanical properties, and wear behavior of a UNS S32750 super duplex stainless steel
B Maamache, B Cheniti, B Belkessa, K Tahar-chaouch, R Kouba
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30, 546-555, 2021
Dissimilar welding between 2205 duplex stainless steel and API X52 high strength low alloy steel
B Belkessa, D Miroud, B Cheniti, N Ouali, M Hakem, M Djama
Diffusion Foundations 18, 7-13, 2018
Effect of WC-Co cermet positioning and NiCr interlayer on the microstructure and mechanical response of the dissimilar WC-Co/AISI 304 L rotary friction joint
B Cheniti, B Belkessa, B Maamache, N Ouali, R Sedlák, P Hvizdoš, ...
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 101, 105653, 2021
Contribution à la modélisation du soudage TIG des tôles minces d'acier austénitique 304L par un modèle source bi-elliptique, avec confrontation expérimentale
M Aissani, H Maza, B Belkessa, B Maamache
Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 124, 213-220, 2005
A finite volume analysis of two-dimensional transient heat transfer in TIG welding
KT Chaouch, H Maza, B Belkessa
Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 120, 669-675, 2004
Influence of isothermal aging in LDX 2101 duplex stainless steel on the microstructure and local properties
N Ouali, B Cheniti, B Belkessa, B Maamache, R Kouba, M Hakem
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 116, 1881-1893, 2021
Tensile joint strength characterizations for Cr-Ni-Mo steel (AISI 316) during direct drive friction welding process
AJ Hassan, B Cheniti, B Belkessa, T Boukharouba, D Miroud, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 128 (11 …, 2023
Metallurgical Investigation of Direct Drive Friction Welded Joint for Austenitic Stainless Steel
AJ Hassan, B Cheniti, B Belkessa, T Boukharouba, D Miroud, ...
Acta Metall. Slovaca 29 (2), 88-92, 2023
Comparative study on the microstructural and mechanical properties of WC-Co/AISI 1020 steel brazed joint obtained by TIG and oxyacetylene process
B Cheniti, D Miroud, P Hvizdoš, B Belkessa, R Sedlàk, N Ouali, D Allou
Diffusion Foundations 18, 41-48, 2018
Contribution à l'étude de la cohésion du joint de soudure hétérogène entre un acier duplex et un acier HSLA
B Belkessa
Faculté de Génie Mécanique et Génie des Procédés, 2017
Direct drive friction welding influence on metallurgical, mechanical, and electrochemical properties of AISI 316
AJ Hassan, NE Titouche, SA Amzert, B Cheniti, B Belkessa, ...
Experimental Techniques, 1-17, 2024
Effect of welding heat input on microstructure and residual stresses of duplex stainless steel weldments
N Ouali, K Khenfer, B Belkessa, B Cheniti
Proceedings of the 72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, 2019
Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of AISI4130/Austenitic Steels Dissimilar Welded Joints
D Allou, D Miroud, B Cheniti, B Belkessa, M Ouadah
Diffusion Foundations 18, 65-72, 2018
Comportement microstructural et mécanique d’une soudure en acier inoxydable duplex 2205 à haute température
Congrès Algérien de Mécanique, 2009
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