Sarah Hamed
Sarah Hamed
Researcher. King's College London. Stockholm University
Потвърден имейл адрес: kcl.ac.uk
Migrants’ and refugees’ health status and healthcare in Europe: a scoping literature review
A Lebano, S Hamed, H Bradby, A Gil-Salmerón, E Durá-Ferrandis, ...
BMC public health 20, 1-22, 2020
Racism in healthcare: a scoping review
S Hamed, H Bradby, BM Ahlberg, S Thapar-Björkert
BMC public health 22 (1), 988, 2022
Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond
H Sarah, TB Suruchi, B Hannah, BM Ahlberg
Qualitative heath research 30 (11), 1662-1673, 2020
Undoing the unspeakable: researching racism in Swedish healthcare using a participatory process to build dialogue
H Bradby, S Thapar-Björkert, S Hamed, BM Ahlberg
Health research policy and systems 17, 1-6, 2019
Invisibility of racism in the global neoliberal era: implications for researching racism in healthcare
BM Ahlberg, S Hamed, S Thapar-Björkert, H Bradby
Frontiers in sociology 4, 61, 2019
Powerlessness, normalization, and resistance: A Foucauldian discourse analysis of women’s narratives on obstetric fistula in Eastern Sudan
S Hamed, BM Ahlberg, J Trenholm
Qualitative Health Research 27 (12), 1828-1841, 2017
Policy Makers', NGO, and healthcare Workers' accounts of Migrants' and Refugees' healthcare access across Europe—human rights and citizenship based claims
H Bradby, A Lebano, S Hamed, A Gil-Salmerón, E Durá-Ferrandis, ...
Frontiers in sociology 5, 16, 2020
“Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going”: Emotional Labor when Ethnic Minority Healthcare Staff Encounter Racism in Healthcare
BM Ahlberg, S Hamed, BH Thapar B Suruchi
Frontier in Sociology, 2022
Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden: development and implementation of anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge …
H Bradby, S Hamed, S Thapar-Björkert, BM Ahlberg
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 51 (4), 531-534, 2023
Researching health in diverse neighbourhoods: critical reflection on the use of a community research model in Uppsala, Sweden
S Hamed, S Klingberg, AJ Mahmud, H Bradby
BMC research notes 11, 1-6, 2018
Healthcare Staff's Racialised talk: Examining Accounts of Racialisation in Healthcare
S Hamed
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2022
Understanding racism in Swedish healthcare
SH Hamed, B Ahlberg, H Bradby, S Thapar-Björket
European Journal of Public Health 29 (Supplement_4), ckz187. 010, 2019
‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’: Understanding Racism through the Concepts of Hospitality and Hostility in Healthcare Encounters in Sweden
H Bradby, S Thapar-Björkert, S Hamed, BM Ahlberg
Sociology 57 (4), 957-974, 2023
Asylsökande barns hälsobehov i Sverige
S Hamed, H Bradby
Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 94 (5), 546-555, 2017
Discussing racism in healthcare: A qualitative study of reflections by graduate nursing students
E Odzakovic, K Huus, BM Ahlberg, H Bradby, S Hamed, ...
Nursing Open 10 (6), 3677-3686, 2023
Healthcare staff's racialized talk: The perpetuation of racism in healthcare
S Hamed, H Bradby, S Thapar-Björkert, BM Ahlberg
Social Science & Medicine 355, 117085, 2024
4.2-O1 Immigrants and refugees’ principal characteristics across Europe: a literature review
A Gil-Salmerón, E Valía-Cotanda, J Garcés-Ferrer, P Karnaki, D Zota, ...
The European Journal of Public Health 28 (suppl_1), cky047. 125, 2018
Racialized migrant women’s discrimination in maternal care: a scoping review
JT Arcilla, A Nanou, S Hamed, F Osman
International Journal for Equity in Health 24 (1), 16, 2025
Racism and racialisation in healthcare settings
S Hamed, H Bradby
Handbook on the Sociology of Health and Medicine, 354-377, 2023
Millennium Development Goals and Women’s Reproductive Health and Justice in African Countries in the Era of Global Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism and Fundamentalism
BM Ahlberg, J Okumu, S Hamed
Struggles for Reproductive Justice in the Era of Anti-Genderism and …, 2023
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